It’s nothing to worry about. If they were worried about the size they would send you for a growth scan.
Mines above 99% according to my midwife lol
Also having an induction is YOUR choice. They can recommend but it’s up to you. The fundal measurements and the growth scans can be inaccurate. Only do what you feel comfortable doing. My midwife sent me for a scan after my chart looked like this but it was my choice if I even did the scan let alone anything that happens as a result. Don’t be pressured into anything x
My midwife also said I was measuring bigger so sent me for a growth scan, turns out baby is at perfect size for this stage just my bump is measuring bigger x
I had a 30 week scan the other day and my baby's in the 90th percentile as well, but the doctor said she wasn't worried as that's still within the normal range (just on the very upper part of it), and that they'd just expect baby to keep following that rough trajectory as I go on
Induction for big babies isn't that common. It's more for smaller babies. If babies are on the bigger side but following a nice curve, it's not usually anything to worry about. If your growth keeps going up, they may refer for scan to just double check x
@Rachael oh ok I didn’t want to be induced so that’s good to know but what would they do then if at my next appointment they feel like baby is in fact much bigger? I may not want an induction BUT - my last baby was born 10lbs. The reason I’m freaking out is because if baby IS big I want to be prepared for labor and induction may be needed. With my last baby I went into labor naturally, however didn’t progress after 7cm (because baby was big). So ended up with emergency c-section. I want to avoid all that this time. Are you sure they don’t induce early if baby is measuring big for their gestational age?
You can request to be induced if you feel like it’s needed and this is from 39 weeks. But wait till after a growth scan till you panic about it. The dr is also trying to avoid an emergency c-section so will be able to give advice around induction.
I was measuring on the 98th at my 31 week midwife appointment so I was sent for a growth scan. Turns out the baby is not too big nor was I carrying too much fluid, but the baby may have been in a different position on the day she measured me! Honestly if it is worrying you, request a growth scan which may put your mind at ease. When is your next midwife appointment? X
Not routinely no. Bigger babies aren't really a worry, it's smaller babies. Induction is really your choice tho, they can recommend it but they can't make you. You can equally request a planned section if you wish. Labour really is your choice, some professionals just make you feel like it isn't. I'm currently measuring 6 weeks ahead but it's one period of accelerated growth so not any cause for concern. I too had a previous big baby x
My midwife has twice measured my baby boy at 90th percentile, but the hospital scan I had shows he’s actually more like 75th or something. I’m not sure the tape measure version is always that accurate. Both of those percentiles would be considered absolutely fine by the way. It’s the continuation that matters that they make the necessary progress each time you’re measured / scanned
Had a look on google and it says if baby is on or above the 90th percentile then they’re way ahead of their gestational age. Getting worried now