I had the pessary, gel & a sweep it did take long for my body to get to 2cm (for them to be able to break my waters). Be open minded I have heard some people only need one form but my cervix were still closed so did take a while! however once my waters were broken I had my daughter within 2 hours my body progressed super quick! Keep walking & using the ball during the process, I do genuinely think it helped me to deliver her quickly. I was 37 weeks when I had her x
@Ceri what was having your waters broken like? I had an induction last time and didn’t have to have them broken, but it’s the one thing that terrifies me 😂
I had an induction at 42 weeks and had a lovely time (I mean it was no spa treatment but still) - pessary and pitocin drip.
@Megan the best feeling ever 😂 not uncomfortable for me, the opposite… it was like ahhh shit that feels good 😂😂😂 took all the pressure away. They told me to go for a walk after so I popped into the hospital costa and I was still leaking so so much with the biggest nappy on, waddling like I’d shat myself 😂 you have to laugh looking back xx
I had a pessary induction at 39 weeks. Pessary at midnight, contractions started at noon and baby born a few hours later. I was very nervous about having an induction but it was actually fine. I listened to a podcast about positive induction stories which helped me prepare mentally. Good luck
Loved my induction with gel pessary! I really really didn’t want to be induced and was aiming for a homebirth… that went out the window. Induced with first gel pessary on Monday evening, second gel on Tuesday, had my waters broken on Wednesday morning and baby boy born on Thursday morning, home Friday. It was a long process but we had no complications… the midwives were amazing and I loved it xxx