Yes, he has two bottom teeth that has come in. He is randomly inconsolable. We are giving him Camilla teething drops when the extreme fussiness occurs. He is also excessively drooling and will have red cheeks every once in a while.
@Irasema omg girl literally the same is happening to me.. after recovering my “sleep” since the regression which hit us HARD. Now I think we’re teething. 😭😭😭😭
@Camille and the drops helps?🥲
@Sydney oh girl! I’m so sorry to hear that. Hoping baby boy is feeling better.!
@Irasema I didn’t know tugging at the ears was a teething symptom but good to know because my son has been doing that and I was worried it was an ear infection or something
Yes! The bottom and front top are slowly getting in but the lower canines are breaking through first. She's been pulling her ears on the side of her head that hurts and pulling her jaw and gums 😭 all I can do is give her Tylenol,let her chew on me if she wants, give snuggles 🥺 and GENTLY** hold the side of her face.
Poor babies!😩💔
Yes mine has his bottom 2 teeth they came in ~2 weeks ago. He was drooling excessively and chewing on everything. Also more irritable and sleeping less. He got sick simultaneously with daycare viruses so it’s been miserable.