The question you need to ask yourself is will you still feel some sense of loneliness or a void with someone who can’t give you his all. Eventually it could happen again, especially with it not being once and your live in constant worry and feel insecure. That will cause more heartbreak for you and confusion for your baby. It’s hard being alone but someone will bring you happiness and security one day but your baby comes first now and she deserves a secure family too. These things happen for a reason and just because one doors shut it dosent mean a better one won’t open x On the other hand only you can make your decisions but make them for the right reasons. Whatever you choose be strong and do what’s best for you and baby not anyone else x
Not worth it. I was the same, felt lonely and went back. He tried to cheat on me the day before I was 40wks with my first baby and coincidentally I stopped feeling my baby move and had to be induced. I wanted to work on things especially being so freshly pp and having no other real close support. He continued to cheat/message other women/write notes about them etc. wrecked me tbh.
If you want to accept him cheating on you, then sure. He won’t change though. And even if he does, you’re showing him it’s okay to do what he’s done if you go back. You’ll be happier when you’re alone or with someone who will treat you right. Loneliness kills tho! Stay strong lol
If you go back he knows he can keep doing it. Trust me, you’ll find someone who values you. Also, youre now an example to an innocent child, would you want them to accept being treated that way. Good luck though girl! *speaking from experience