
I found porn on my partners phone and it has completely broke me. I don’t know if I’m being stupid but it has really got to me. I feel ugly and not sexy as it is after having a baby but I always try to meet his needs now seeing this has just thrown me, I feel like he’s more happy looking after other women than me. I feel so disgusted and I can’t bear to look at him. Has this happened to anyone else?
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It wouldn’t bother me personally but if it bothers you then I would talk to him and explain this and tell him how you’re feeling. He may not have thought it would be an issue but if he knows how upset it’s made you then hopefully he will stop

It doesn’t bother me personally, he’s entitled to look at it if he wants (I know he does frequently) and we are pretty open about it tbf, it’s not a taboo subject in our house. I would deffo speak to him and let him know how you feel. He might not be aware of how you feel about it or thinks it’s an innocent thing to do. It might help to understand why he’s looking at it and for you to have a clear conversation about personal boundaries. I know it must feel hard for you, but porn isn’t real, it’s not realistic and they aren’t ever going to see those women, he’s only pleasuring himself, not them. Also masturbation is very very natural x

Don’t see anything wrong with him masterbating personally x

It must make you feel more self conscious and that’s understandable but I think you need to see it in a point of view of in the nicest way possible but him watching porn is not about you… he’s more time watching it for his own personal pleasure. There’s a difference between sex and masturbation. But I think you should definitely address it to him as it makes you feel a type of way so he is aware but I wouldn’t say he loves you or wants you any less because he’s watching porn xx

Yeah it's hard, we've gone through it all. My body isn't the same and sex isn't the same either. Yeah just be open with him. Tell him what you want. I hope your partner is understanding and there for you x

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