@Elizabeth oh wow! Mine just turned 15 months! He’s our first together but we both had babies in college who are now teens!
He's an ex I ended up back together with. We met in college , dated , broke up , moved in together for good in 2012.... Got legally married in 2019 .... And finally decided at 35 " if we keep waiting for the right time to have kids , we won't have any". Blockade got taken out late May 2022...(36.5 years old) I got pregnant October 20th , 21st or 22nd ( we both turned 37 in October of 2022) .... And our son was born June 21 23 🥰 ( at 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant 😳 , a same day delivery 🤣🤣🤣)
@Elizabeth awwww y’all have a lot of history!!!! So cute!
Wow. That's super specific . I'm in the wrong area, but I'm a 39 year old mom to an almost 18 months old 🥰 son.... Our first child.