5 days!
With my first I lost it at 38+1, waters broke 38+2 and labour didn’t begin to I was induced but ended in emergency c section at 38+3 This baby I lost my plug on Monday at exactly 38 weeks and still nothing 😔
Mine was 2 days later!
I had my first sweep 5 days ago at 38+5 then lost my plug the day after, had another sweep 2 days ago and zero labour signs 🙈 I’ve not really had much blood though and been seeing a bit more mucus everyday so feel like it’s growing back, I think everyone is different!
With my first I lost a biiiiig blob at 10am 39+1 Then 39+2 I felt some period pain twinges during the day but thought nothing of them. But by 7pm they were very painful. Went to hospital at midnight and was 3cm dilated and established in labour Baby born 39+3 in the morning
2 days x
I was losing mine over a week or so
Started losing bits of it on Friday night last week and quite a lot on Monday. Then started to lose blood stained mucous from about tea time Monday, baby was born on Tuesday at 0316am
48 hours later baby was born.