If ur still concerned just ask ur midwife
Thanks @Natasha do you mind me asking if it’s to prevent an infection or if you’re using it to treat one?
I have a sinus infection antibiotics are mainly to treat infection
i was prescribed it post partum, to prevent an infection before results came back of swabs (basically my stitches split open from birth). when the results came back they were eventually negative anyway but at that point i was half way through the course of antibiotics as i was told to start taking it right away. basically took it for no reason. to me, they only should have prescribed after the results came back of the swab. best part is, i wasn’t aware i’m allergic to penicillin, so came out in a full body rash and had further issues with that 🥲
@Natasha thanks for sharing, hope you feel better soonest x
@Hannah that must have sucked! Yeah I’m not just going to be swallowing antibiotics for no reason. I would wait for an actual infection (hopefully don’t get any) so there’s something to treat than mess up my PH or put myself at risk.
yeah exactly that! i feel like they just dished out antibiotics for the sake of it. totally agree with you - don’t take it if don’t need it! (i’ve learnt my lesson)
I'm on amoxicillin that has penicillin in it lovely doctors wouldn't prescribe it if it weren't safe