Hi hun. I'm 36 + 4 I went into hospital last week with reduced movements. Baby was fine but my heart rate was increased and that had increased babies. I would always go if you feel like baby js moving less. The midwife said to me when I left please call us if you feel like baby is moving less and don't wait. Go with your gut instinct hun x
Look youd rather go in and be reassured than stay at home and worry about baby. If you are havinf concerns ask to speak to a consultant. I went in for reduced movements 4-5 times and they asked me when i was 36 weeks if i want to be induced at 38 weeks i agreed, but again its your choice. I wasnt given enouhg guidance
I’ve been in 3 times in 3 weeks, luckily everything is okay but they’ve booked me in for another growth scan and told me to phone if she continues to have reduced movements. I’m 35+2. I thought I was wasting their time, as soon as I was hooked up to machine she kicked like crazy 🙄 pain in the arse 🤭
None, fortunately because I haven't felt anxious about it or if I did, which happened twice, I just laid on my bed and gave all my attention to baby and she kicked. I've been there twice between 20-28 weeks for constant Braxton hicks & anxiety though (I had to stay in bed for weeks during my 2nd pregnancy because my cervix was opening too early) and they were super rude about it the second time around so I hope not to have to go again tbh.
If you are worried you should always go. Once you are close to your delivery date they may induce you - that’s what happened with my first baby after I showed up twice in a week for reduced movements at 39 weeks, they thought it safer to induce.
I haven't been 35+6 but I've not had a reason too go in thankfully, If you feel like you need to go in and get checked go, They'd rather see you 100 times and nothing be wrong than not go and something be wrong 🩷