Everyone moved away or started their own family and I cut my friend off cause she did me wrong. My daughter is turning 12 in February.
Same. Except the daughter part. I know this is just temporary and not forever. It won’t be forever for you either. Reach out to people, resources , try to get case management from as many organizations as possible. It’ll be ok. I know that’s not much help but if you need someone to talk to feel free to reach out
i’m rooting for you 🥺❤️
I'm so sorry to hear this is all happening. And during the holidays too! Did some big, disruptive thing happen that so many people have gone away? How old is your daughter? I know a lot of my friends when I was younger who had separated parents would go through a stage where they seemed to really dismiss their mothers (at least, if dad wasn't a total a-hole). I think it was like a preteen/teenager thing. *hugs* I'm here to talk if you need.