@Alexandra he is rolling more to the right. Now that I am thinking I never actually seen him rolling to the left . There's nothing else in the bed, but I am using a sleeping bag. Is that alright?
Just like us, he may be having more strength on one side of the body than the other, it’s absolutely normal . A sleep sack is a great option and is considered safe when little ones are rolling. Put your worries on the side mamma, I’ve let my little one sleep on his tummy from when he was one month. For some reason they sleep longer and better on their tummy, their natural instinct is to move their head and reach for oxigen if their airways gets stuck or they will start crying. However if you want peace of mind, during the day just observe him what he does when he’s rolled over, how is he able to move his head, without his nose getting stuck in the mattress
@Alexandra Thank you so much ! I really appreciate your time and advice. I will keep an eye on him for a few days just to see his reactions . 💚xx
Both my kids slept comfortably once they could roll on their own to their tummy. I just put them down on their backs and then leave them be ❤️
My son now sleeps on his stomach and he’s 7 months, when he becomes uncomfortable he cries out so we can help roll him back (not sure why he refuses to it now he goes back to stomach)! So I’m assured that when he’s unsettled he will let us know!
If your baby is rolling in their sleep and is comfortable sleeping on their stomach, you don't need to do anything as long as they're unswaddled on a firm infant mattress with no loose bedding. Lots of babies actually prefer tummy sleep once they are able to roll both directions.