Baby not sleeping at night

I’m wanting advice please. My baby is almost 9 weeks old. Since he had his 8 week jabs he’s been sleeping for most of the day. Due to this, it’s taking ages to get him down when it’s actually bedtime and then he’s waking around 2am and isn’t sleeping again till around 8am no matter what we try. Will he just grow out of this or do we need to try harder to keep him awake through the day?
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Hi Nicole, I started limiting my baby naps at 8 weeks to no more than 2 hours at a time, I use the huckleberry app and when he got to 10 weeks I started following their recommended nap durations, this helped him with fewer wakes during the night! Good luck🤞🏼

My little girl (10 weeks old) has been the exact same! Ever since the jabs which she had to have at 9 weeks since the doctors could get her in has gone from having 5 hour stints in the night to being awake every 1-2 hours. Thankfully she goes back to sleep but my husband and myself are then struggling to get back to sleep before she's awake again 😅 really hoping it's just a phase that won't last long! Like Ellen said I think I'm going to have to start limiting nap lengths during the day to see if that helps! x

How do we limit daytime naps? I know it sounds like a stupid question but I’m not intentionally putting him down for naps if that makes sense, he’s falling asleep on his own. I have tried doing activities such as tummy time, contrast cards when he is awake to try and keep him awake for long her but he still falls asleep

Could be down to the jabs and abit of a sleep regression aswell, 4 out of my 5 went like this between 8-12 weeks, didnt last too long but then the 3-4 month sleep regression kicks in aswell.

Sounds like baby has day and night confusion.

I think this early on let him sleep when he wants , they need a lot of it but ensure he is awake at least 2 hours before bedtime. Have you tried a slightly larger last feed at night? Sounds silly but investing in more expensive absorbent nappies for the nighttime’s helped my little one too. Also, I put my LO down around 10pm at this age and then from 4 months onwards started bringing it back by 15 mins when I could and she does down at 8:30pm now and sleeps till 7:30am. All babies are different though and I feel your frustration, sleep is so important for your sanity.

You don't necessarily have to keep him awake, the point is not to let him sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. Even if he is only awake 45mins-1hour in between sleeps, that already helps

Thanks everyone for the advice 😊

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