We cut the whole end off - enough left so he could put it in his mouth, but it would keep falling out
The dummy fairy worked a treat for us at 3 years 3 months. Good luck!
Attach the one to a small stuffed animal. Let her hold that one for sleeping. After a week take the one for her mouth away. She will hold onto the stuffy and use the pacifier attached to it. Make a game out of getting it and leaving it behind. We would put Mr. Elephant in the window to get sunshine in the morning and say bye-bye to him. After they start looking more for the stuffed animal then you can either go cold turkey or try cutting a hole in the end. We tried the hole and it just turned into her chewing on it so I had her throw them away and we went cold turkey. The first couple of days were difficult but by day three she was back to sleeping normal and would self soothe with her stuffed animal.
Try & start by taking the one in her hand away & work up from there.