I had the same problem and started pumping lots to drain them but made it worse. I found pumping just for around 10 mins to relieve the pressure helped a lot, is great to have a stash in the freezer. Your body adapt to not needing as much milk at that time and will stop being so full then
Your best bet to avoid an oversupply is to hand express just enough to stay comfortable, that way your body will adapt and drop your supply so you only make enough to feed baby. Pump if you want to have expressed milk for bottle feeds or to build a stash, but keep in mind your body will always replenish whatever you remove so your supply will remain the same and possibly increase this way
It will cause your body to make more milk If you pump it'll have to become a habit to manage the extra milk You're better off just hand expressing only enough to make you comfortable
Either pump and work on your stash or express just enough for comfort.