@Levi I feel violated. Can’t explain it but I’m totally devastated
Idk your relationship with your friend but she’s giving “fun” auntie vibes. You know the kind of fun auntie that gets your kid into trouble and then tries to hide it from you. Or maybe she has a morbid sense of humor? But regardless she seems to have no respect for you or the way you want to parent your child. I’m also an organic mommy so I feel you. My baby has nothing but breast milk, the occasional bottle of organic formula on special occasions, and homemade organic fruit and veggie purees.
I get it. She’s completely disrespecting your boundaries and you as a parent. I understand she’s probably trying to be ‘fun’ by giving her something ‘she’s not allowed’ but it isn’t okay and like you mentioned, the fact your baby was on her back means she was putting her at risk in the process, so it wasn’t harmless either.
I would give back her gifts and kick her out and never talk to her! She should have respected your boundaries. I'm trying not to give my baby any salt or sugar for the first year, and if anyone gave her something without my knowledge like that, i would be fuming! She can do whatever she wants with her own baby, but how dare she put someone else's baby in danger like that!!!!
This is the kind of situation that has crossed the line — especially with her licking the potato chip and also giving it to your baby lying down that is really dangerous. If I was you I wouldn’t speak to her again and make sure she knows damn why I am not speaking to her. Nothing and no one comes before my children and if anything/anyone is a harm to them they’ll be cut out of my life
Me and My husband are health nuts. My husband is a nutritional therapy practitioner and I’m studying to be a master clinical herbalist. No one in my family gets it and always cross the boundaries so I just kinda distance myself from them cause they’re always trying to influence them and make us sound crazy for wanting a better life for them. Yea we sound extreme and crazy but we’re gonna be avoiding illnesses and live longer. It’s such a struggle all the time. I’m so sorry you experienced that with your close friend. Hopefully you can set boundaries and hopefully she abides by them and you can still have a relationship. Sorry momma. I definitely understand the struggle and frustrations 😘😍
I think you just learnt this person is not a friend. Im very sorry you had&your baby experienced that. I know it will be hard to believe, but your baby will be ok with one time so try not to stress about it. Lots of hugs for both of you ♥️
@Michaela I’ve always just wanted my babies to have the best start in life. She was even shocked that I was still breastfeeding 6 months in. @Nassim in a normal situation I would completely have cut someone off but she’s been there for me during the last 17 years of my life, so it’s hard to just do that. I think I will just create some distance for sure and not leave my baby out of my sight in future. Thank you all for making me feel validated ❤️
I’m not a health nut and my kiddo 2.5 years old) does eat chips… BUT NOT AT 6 months old!! And I would never do that to someone I cared about!!
I 1000% would not for one second put up with this type of friend. If your friend cared.. she would understand your anxiety over certain things. This almost smells likes she’s trying to hurt you or cause problems. This isn’t okay. I competely hear you in this and I’m disappointed in your friend. You almost need to sit her down and say “what were you thinking?”. You lost my trust completely around my child. And then I would have her stay the hell away from my kid until I felt comfortable from her actions over a period of time. I’m so sorry you had to deal with the one thing you feared and it’s from a close person in your life.
You did advocate for your child, in voicing a firm No, but sadly we cannot control other people. Your little one will be just fine and your feelings are valid. It's being caught between a rock and hard place and it was wrong of your friend. I heard you express a 17year friendship so honestly I have been hurt by friends but one I overcame the hurt and we remain closer than ever because she was sincerely sorry. I would talk, text or write to your friend about how her actions made you feel and often a person's response will tell you all you need. Do they take accountability and sincerely remorseful or do they justify their actions? Should you move forward as friends I would let her understand that trust has to be reestablished and leaving her alone with your child will not happen, however briefly. If your friend doesn't have her own children then often they just don't get it but I've learnt once you have children you quickly learn who your true friends are.
@Anita she has 3 children, youngest is 3 but no boundaries or routine and her mum helps her raise her kids. She still lives with her parents (she’s 43) even though she has has own place where her two older (20 & 22 year old ) kids live but she goes out a lot hence why it’s convenient to live at her mums with her 3 year old. I don’t really see her much and I don’t go out with her etc, she’s just been there when I’ve gone through hardships in my life which I’m grateful for but this was too much yesterday with my baby. I felt terrible after
From a mom that has health anxiety to you it’s time to start having boundaries. If she can’t understand nor follow then it’s time to end the friendship. Seriously. For one who puts a saliva chip in a babies mouth that doesn’t belong to them? That’s nasty. You are so better than me. What excuse can you give me if you child gets sick? Nothing. Start creating healthy boundaries with people, I don’t care who they are. If they can’t respect your boundaries then it’s time to end the friendship. Seriously.
Wow, that is a proper shitty thing to do! Who on earth thinks this is OK to violate someone else's baby like that?! Shocking! She wouldn't be a friend of mine any longer, I'd tell her to fuck right off out of my house and never show her face again! Your baby I'm sure will be fine though, so don't worry yourself sick over it
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I also suffer from health anxiety and this would have fully tipped me over the edge. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from your 'friend'. I wouldn't leave the baby around them anymore and start to slowly cut contact because that is unacceptable especially if she knows you suffer with anxiety. Baby will be fine but if you are concerned about anything it never hurts to get a second opinion to put your mind at rest xxx
And this is why I refuse to bring my newborn around other people other than my husband. Including my own mother and father. We straight up told my parents to not come on Christmas bc our newborn is still too young. Babies are fragile and we must be protective over them against outside forces and other humans. You don't know what is in other people's sick minds even if they have kids and they been there for you. She will probably be there for you, but not your child, judging by her actions. Restrict all communication to text message and phone calls. Only see her once in a while when you don't have your kid with you. You don't have to have health anxiety to be disgusted by your friends actions. I don't really have health anxiety ... I just try to feed breast milk 80% of the time and the other 20% I give goat milk based formula and even so I keep that to a minimum. He screams a lot and needs food in demand and at times I don't have breast milk ready. That is neither her nor there. Health anxiety or not.
Any person who cares about their baby would feel violated. Just want to be clear, you don't need to have health anxiety to have that sense that your friend is a bad person.
So sad sorry to hear
Ewww wtf.
Sometimes people are only in our lives for a season and sadly it doesn't sound like a relationship worth saving given what has transpired.
To me the type of food is irrelevant it’s the fact she has totally disrespected your instructions and put your child at serious risk of chocking and potentially getting sick if it was me I would give them back the gifts, kick them out and no longer allow them around me or my child because to me that isn’t a friend I’d cut them off there and then and make damn sure they knew why
I’m so sorry, I would have been absolutely fuming if someone did this to me ☹️