My baby was the same for a while, I also have a nearly 3 year old so it’s impossible for me to hold her all the time. Other than baby wearing during the day, nothing helps. She is nearly 10 weeks now and has gotten a lot better the last couple of weeks, now she’s interacting and trying to socialise more she doesn’t mind not being held so much. It does get easier. My 3 year old was the same. They just love being with their mama, but they’re crazy toddlers who don’t stop for 2 seconds for a cuddle before you know it. You got this!
Both my babies have been like this! Do you have a sling? I find that really helpful to get a few things done or at least have my hands free to grab something to eat/make a drink. Do you have a bouncer or something to try and pop him in when awake so you can do things like go to the loo?
@Didi oh gosh I was doing the same trying to go to the toilet and hold the baba it was hard! @Aimeé that’s given me hope!! Hopefully he settles and yes everyone tells me I’ll miss it when he doesn’t want cuddles lol @Georgia I think I’m looking into a sling wasn’t sure which was best ! Defo will try it Thank you!
That sounds super tough. Have you tried waiting 20 minutes or so, so that he's in a deep sleep before you put him down? Then put him down feet first then bum then head very slowly, after he's down putting your hand on his chest a minute or so until he's settled? (Sorry if you already have) Re slings check if there's a sling library near you where you can try some on and get some advice. I use mine a lot and it is a lifesaver.
@Tanya yes I have but thank you I even did the whole place your hand on him if he moves or stroke for comfort but nope . Oh thats a fab idea I shall look into that!
I can feel your pain in this and my baby is sometimes the same but not all the time. I sound so mean but I have learnt to let him cry if I need the toilet because it was getting ridiculous holding him when on the toilet. He has got better x