@Leslie Thank you ❤️
I think it’s normal, I feel that way too a lot, if someone is holding her I have to watch to make sure everything is okay. I’ve also been anxious and upset with elders in the family wanting to hold the baby, I don’t want them walking or standing with the baby etc, I don’t trust them to be safe.
@Michelle yes ive been feeling this way since he is born 😭 like i appreciate people trying to help but like grabbing my baby gives me Anxiety it’s not helping me at all 😢
That's literally me my baby's 9 weeks old now. You're not alone in the feeling and I've been told it'll get better. 🥹🥲 I've been diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and depression so I can't tell you per day if it's because of that. I would say part of it is to do with instinct. Those instincts are there to protect our baby don't ignore them but don't let them control you. I don't want anyone alone with my baby except my husband and I and maybeee both our parents. You can never be to careful nowadays.
@Briella its good to know im not alone !!! i always feel bad for feeling this way 😢
It depends on the severity of the feeling. I got diagnosed with post partum anxiety pretty late with my second son and it started out gradually. Like over time I became more manic about people around my kids. You also need to give yourself some grace. You're still adjusting and you're absolutely valid in wanting your baby to yourself. It's the motherly instinct in us to not want anyone else doing it. I would say if you can to just watch it and document it. Maybe use a scale of like 1 being neutral and 5 being absolutely enraged and just seeing if it tapers or gets worse. If it becomes too overwhelming reach out to a doctor to get help