It's all about supply and demand! My boobs feel soft but my little boy tells me that he can get milk out- clearly he's much older as he can talk! I believe the crying and pulling away is to help with milk production whilst your body is learning. There's also the so-called 3 week wobble/ cluster feeding that they do to establish your supply. In summary - you're doing great!
@Sophie same with us. I give him a bottle of aptamil advance a day and he sleeps deep from it but with the boob he wants to eat more often
@Sarah thank you very much for your input, I really appreciate it x
is it possible that he's comes off your breast because it's too heavy? for a while I used to have to hold my boob up when it was empty as it wasn't perky from being full and was too heavy for her little mouth muscles! I hope that makes sense. Try hold it up for him and see if it makes a difference! Also babies will sleep deeper when they have formula as it's harder for them to digest and keeps them feeling full for longer x
Even if your boobs feels saggy, they can still get milk out so I would keep offering. I would be careful about offering formula if you’re wanting to continue EBF as milk is produced on a supply and demand basis. So if he is having one feed a day of formula, when your milk regulates you’ll produce that much less milk. Sometimes they get frustrated if the milk is coming out too slow (if the boobs are more empty) but if you keep offering they should keep trying and you’re boobs will produce more milk cos his sucking tells them to
If you want to EBF you don’t need to introduce any formula, it’s a trap. Read more online about breastfeeding. You’re doing great keep going breast milk is best for your LO x
Babies can get fatigued while breastfeeding. Your lo might just be tired. Sucking takes a lot of work for a baby. There is nothing wrong with formula feeding or bottle feeding. If you want to get your supply up you can pump in between feeds ie if your baby feeds every 3 pump in between at 1.5 hours. That will tell your body you need more milk. Supply and demand. If you formula feed make sure you pump that session. But it does give you a small break and formula can keep your baby fuller longer.
sometimes when my baby continuously unlatches he just needs to burp, once he burps he will latch and continue eating until finished
My baby is ebf and randomly just started sleeping 8-11 hours at night and having three good naps during the day so I don’t know how true it is that formula fed babies sleep for longer.. I did a poll on here a few months ago asking Mamas that question & some formula fed babies still woke several times a night whilst some breastfed babies were sleeping through the night. I think it just depends on the baby you have 🤷🏽♀️ Also, your boobs won’t ’run out’ of milk, as they are constantly producing, although I’ve definitely felt the same at times! You’ll have dips in your milk supply from time to time, it’s completely normal. Just keep offering your breast/pumping. x
Following this as my 4 week old does this sometimes, so I’d love to know what it could be. On top of that, he will be really restless and cry so I feel like he isn’t getting enough. I cracked and gave him formula one evening and he went straight to sleep and got a good stretch of sleep too. This happens maybe every few days if he feeds a lot. Not sure if it’s my supply? x