Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Glucose test I’ve got my glucose tomorrow can you drink water before it or can you literally not have any thing I know your not allowed to eat before it I can’t remember I had it with my first but then I’ve been told nothing with this pregnancy and I can’t remember from almost 4 years go 🤣
Anyone know if I can still have the glucose test if I have a cold?
Conceiving in February gives a November baby? Conceiving March gives a December baby right? Conceiving in April gives a January baby?
Has anyone had experience with failing the one hour glucose test, but passing the 3 hour? If so any tips? I took my one hour test at 3:15 in the afternoon and will be taking the 3 hour at 8am on Tuesday so hoping that helps some. My doctors instructions are to get 150g of carbs for 3 days prior. I’m typically a pret...
Hey ! I’m super anxious I’m 22 weeks pregnant and not felt much at all. Thought I started feeling baby a couple weeks ago but last week not felt a thing ?
It’s my first time travelling with my 6 month old tomorrow and I’m feeling so nervous and stressed, I don’t know why. Any advice or words of reassurance anyone? 🙈
So I’ve noticed my hair just doesn’t get greasy like it did pre-pregnancy which is fab as who wants to wash it every couple days when I can now go a week. But after doing some googling I saw somewhere it can actually be a sign of not enough protein or iron potentially but whether that’s right I don’t know. So is thi...
I don’t know if I have full on baby brain but if my LO was born on 16th Jan, on 18th is he two days or three days old? My husband thinks the birth day counts as day one and therefore we have done three days by 18th? But I’m working on dates and so think we’re on day 2. Confused!
This is from 13 weeks and 3 days… Nub sort of sits in the middle so was unsure! What do people think?! Excited to find out ☺️
I suffered really badly with nausea and sickness my whole 1st trimester and start of 2nd until the week before Christmas and now I’m 19 weeks and the nausea has come back (no vomiting though this time thankfully). Anyone else had this? I messaged my midwife to ask if it was normal but she doesn’t reply :-/
This is my second pregnancy. I think my first pregnancy lead me in to a false sense of security- it had no side effects at all throughout! I am now currently 23weeks and I feel sick most days. I’d just like to know if anyone’s experienced the same? 😭🤍
I've been told I need to test 4 times a day (as usual). If I have a snack in-between meals do I have to log that? Or prick test for it? What does everyone do?
I’m 3 weeks 5 days and I need to chat because I can’t keep this info in 😬😬😬
Hey ladies! My girl is usually extremely active and abit of a loon, but the last two days she’s been so quiet, I’ve felt her a handful of times and kicks have been gentle. I have an anterior placenta and am 23 weeks. Has anyone had the same? I am worried as it’s not like her😭😭
Is anyone out there doctors can someone tell me what 77 means for a glucose test? I know I passed, but I’m hypoglycemic so I want to know if that’s good or bad or normal? My doctor is closed For the weekend. Also my MPV is high at 12.3 11.7 being normal… I have to wait will Monday to call and ask
Anyone here have cholestasis? I’ve been told by my obstetrician it’s likely I have it and when I read up on the impact it can have on baby and pre-term birth, feel quite worried. Looking to hear about anyone else’s experiences and for some reassurance!
Does anyone else feel like it’s gone really quickly? This is my second so I’m not sure if it’s gone so quick because I’m so distracted with a toddler I have my dating scan Monday and I had to double check I thought can’t be this soon!
Well I failed by four points but I’m pretty sure it’s because I accidentally carb loaded. So on Tuesday I had a really bad migraine so I went to bed without eating Wednesday when I got home from my chiropractor I was starving so I made spaghetti. Well I ate so much spaghetti it probably could have fed four people 😭…
For those mama's that have tried the dollar tree pregnancy tests.. are they accurate?
After a scary few days including a 14 hour a&e visit I’ve been diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism on my lung at 29 weeks. Will be moving from midwife led care to being seen under a specialist. Has anyone here dealt with this before? Very anxious about what this means for birth options now