Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Definitely mucus plug discharge.. 38 weeks.. slightly clear with a little blood coloring. Contractions still about 8-10 mins apart, accompanied by lower back pain and tummy tightening, but no water breaking yet. How soon should I expect to hustle to the hospital? Tonight? Keep an eye on contractions? This is my 2nd ...
I am travelling with baby but without my husband. What documents exactly do I need to bring to the airport? do I need to carry birth certificate or letter to show I can travel with baby?
I’m not sure if i’m overthinking or not, but is it really obvious when your waters start to ‘slowly leak’? i’m sitting here tonight thinking that i won’t notice if my waters leaking at any point and something will go wrong! Is this just pre birth nerves?
In my mind, I feel like I will rather have a c section than have to have an assisted birth with forceps …. Am I crazy ? Interested to know how others feel about this / experiences with this ? What would you do ? C section or forcep delivery?
How long after losing mucus plug did baby come? I noticed I’ve been losing a tiny bit from last night and through the day. It’s not blood streaked. Is this normal and could labour be soon?
How did you feel after your sweep? I had my third one today, and I've been feeling tight pretty much all day. Especially now—I'm super tight and it's lasting a long time. My babygirl’s moving a lot too, and it hurts. Is this how contractions start? She just started hiccuping while I’m texting this, and now it hurts...
can someone help me out lmao, got a doctor consultation for an induction to be made and see if i am able to have one... can someone tell me how they do the induction and how your induced it's always been a worry for me lol
For the moms that already gave birth and had the epidural, did you call triage right after you started having contractions or did you wait for the contractions to get stronger ? How was your experience?
Hey mummas, Just wondering if anyone else has had this? I've had no pain or anything following my c section (July 1st), but all of a sudden I'm starting to get pain & discomfort around my incision, but internally. I'm also struggling with a painful stomach & nausea/upset tummy & really bad backache. Do we think I...
I know we are all going to have our own experiences and I wanna hear yall out on yours as I await mine at 40 weeks. So far ive experienced Braxton hicks on my right side, diarrhea (daily), slight cramping like menstrual & increased pelvic pressure...all while atill 2cm dilated w\ baby at station -2 and 50% effaced. ...
I have a very upset MIL because we’ve told her we don’t want visitors at the hospital and want to wait until we’re home and settled with the baby and will let people know when we’re ready. I’m so upset she’s made this about herself and made me and my partner feel really bad about a choice we’ve made together, has an...
Hiya! I'm just curious when people went into labour with their first vs their second? I gave birth at 40+4 last time, I'm 38+4 right now and hopeful he's coming earlier 😅 Thankyou!
How long did everyone have to keep their compression socks on after C-Section? I haven’t been told but unsure what to do
Hey, just wondering if anyone can give me their experience with an induction! I’ll potentially be going in around 37/38 weeks so just wanting to hear how/what happened for you 🫶🏼
Is there any way to prevent baby being born with jaundice? My first two had it, and I want to know if there is a way to prevent it?
I have just signed off for my c section in three weeks and I’m going to be honest. I suddenly have anxiety about it. I know the doctors do plenty of them. But I am still so scared.
Anyone been induced and pushed out a 9lb baby naturally or was it through c section
Is this just an indent???(taken within time frame)
Have anyone managed to have a successful v back with their second baby? I’m praying beyond belief I get a natural birth and not have to have another c-section
I’m almost 26 weeks with my twins and I’m terrified that they have to come out lol I’ve already had a child and had him vaginally 11 months ago and it was extremely traumatic for me the whole thing from start to finish. I wanted to try and do a vaginal delivery with my twins because I’m scared to have a c-section it...