Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C section at the grange Cwmbran

I have a c-section booked for next Thursday I have to go in Wednesday evening for pre-op assessment and to sign permission forms I currently have a fresh set of gel nails and I am also a contact lens wearer. I do have glasses but my prescription is very high and I prefer not to wear them also for convenience. Has an...


Making him a brother !!

I heard alot from people that getting pregnant early can affect a baby somehow!! 🤔 I am asking for your advise guys, what should i do to avoid that 🤦🏽‍♀️i really dont know, am babying him alot 🥹now because obviously i have robbed his babyhood away form him quickly especially when the baby comes,but what else…


C section overhang and healing help

I'm 5 days post C section, second one but this time my overhang is alot. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on helping air the incision during the day? At night I feel like I can lie on my back now to help my overhang not be in the way. But during the day I'm a bit stuck on ideas to help. I am wearing big cot...


Pre-eclampsia and elective c-section.

I have been admitted to hospital for pre-eclampsia and we had a discussion today about an elective c-section next week, at 37 weeks. I am anxious about recovery and so unsure what to expect. Has anyone else experienced this and opted for a C-section please?


C section

5 weeks pp from an elective c section & I've really turned a corner the past week with my mobility and ability to do normal things!! Today I have woken up and underneath my scar and around my stomach just feels so sore, no where near what it was like but I can notice it & when I sit up off the sofa it's hurting. Has...


New mum box

I’m going to my best friends tomorrow. She had her baby on the 3rd via c section, so please give me your ideas for a few presents I can get her to make her feel better



Is everyone waiting 6 weeks to drive or less? When I had my first section I waited 2 weeks but is that too soon?


Due March 15th

Now days i cant sleep whole night, i feel like getting up in the middle of the night, got this habit id scrolling phone😒 which again breaks my sleep. Tomorrow i have my follow up doctor appointment. Last week i was 2cm dilated. I am not feeling any contractions as of now. Anyone due around the same time? How are…


Induction stories - good or bad

Been told i can go full term naturally but if i go over by about 3 days they want to induce me or offer a c section. I’ve read up on c sections a lot but just wanting some induction stories - good or bad.


Growth scan - large baby (38 weeks)

Sorry for the long post. Went for my 38 week growth scan yesterday, snd found out my baby has jumped from being over the 50th percentile at 34 weeks to the 95th percentile, all in just a month! I know these aren't the most accurate for determining size/weight etc but it's there only way of measurement too really. So...


C section

Hey girls just wondering what it’s like to have a c section in arrowe park , am 35 weeks today and went for my 34 week growth scan on Monday and was advised that I’d have to have a c section got to go back next Thursday to book my date in for it , I had a normal birth with my first in the woman’s so haven’t a clue w...


Mamas in Tennessee

So me and my fiancé are supposed to attend a wedding in the end of August in Tennessee but I’m due at the beginning of September. So it’s cutting it really close I really don’t want to kiss the wedding but it’s a long way from home and I really don’t know how the hospitals are. So i wanted to ask those of you who ha...


Induction at 38w2d

Currently getting induced today with the gel, has anyone had any positive stories come from it? I have heard it doesn’t always work so I’m worried.. I have already had one round of the gel and waiting to be checked to see if a second is needed


When to try for another post c-section

Hi mamas!!! I am a first time momma of a little boy - he’s 2 months old. I’m 36 and want to have another baby as soon as possible. I know that may seem crazy but I want to start trying for our second soon. There’s mixed opinions out there on waiting and risks involved. Has anyone gotten pregnant quickly after birth ...


Baby coming

I went to triage yesterday early hours of the morning as baby had stopped moving then he started moving once I was on the machine i mentioned my due date is on Friday. They did a full examination on me then asked me about my birth plan I told them I’m done with this and all I want is baby delivered safely. They have...



So I am going to be 36 weeks on Friday. I see my OB on Thursday and I have been leaking colostrum bad for a few days. Should I be trying to collect what is coming out or wait until I see my OB and ask her if I should use a gala and collect? I hate for what is producing to go to waste. Also, does this mean I may go...


ECV experiences

Anyone have an experience with ECV to turn a breech baby? I’m 36 weeks and it’s recommended for 37 weeks. Appreciate the feedback!


C section pains

It’s been 5 we’re since I had my daughter, scar has been healing well but I’m feeling like I’ve taken two steps forward 5 steps back I’m struggling with internal pains even when I cough. Anyone else experiencing this or shall I reach out to drs so scared I’ve overdone something and caused damage 😞


breech baby at 38 wks

hi everyone. i had my 38 wk appointment today and they did an US to see how big the baby was, apparently he turned around and is now breech 😭 my doctor is scheduling me for a C-section next week tuesday when i will be 39 wks. has this happened to anyone before? i’m hoping the baby turns again but i don’t think he…


Pre baby body or better…

Everyone keeps telling me it’s impossible to get back to your pre-baby body or better, is it true?


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