Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Looking to book a spa day for my Mums Christmas present to go together, unsure if it’s worth it, is it just the sauna/jacuzzi we can’t go in? Anyone had any experience with spas when pregnant? Thank you x
I’m 10dpo. Had what I thought was a maaaaybe vvvfl last night. I took two blue tests with first morning urine today and this came up within the 10 minute time frame. So slight I may be going crazy. My period is due in 3 days so it may just be really early? Should I try a digital? I’ll add another photo in the com...
Okay, so I'll have my FF chart in comments. I got a peak (solid smiley) on the clearblue advanced digital on CD 18 and a VERY DARK peak pregmate opk on CD 19. Which one do I go by? Also, I think my bbt is showing 3dpo, but I've been a little under the weather so I'm not sure what to think!
Please share your tips
I feel like I can see a super faint line or a shadow… could totally be line eyes, I’m 9dpo
Silly question really as I know it can depend on lots of different things, but how long roughly are you kept in for with your first? I’m due a week before Christmas and hoping it’s all over and done with and I’m home 🙈 my midwife has told me two nights for first . I really just want to come home but everyone is…
I usually only have one OPK that’s peak but i seem to have had one yesterday morning and another this morning. Yesterday afternoons was high but not peak (urine may have been more diluted). Picture here is yesterdays peak, ill post the afternoon one and todays one in comments. Is it normal for peak to last this long?
So I’m pregnant but I just had a baby so I’m just like girl do you really wanna do this again & whose paying for the baby needs like 😩
So this is 8dpo, am I imagining a line here or?? I did one at 5dpo I’ll post in the comments, the line is in different place that’s coz I opened the test to try find the line and it moved the strip lol.
I can't stop thinking I did something to cause my baby's stillbirth. I had GD in first pregnancy (even though I passed the glucose tests) and maybe it was the cause this time (this time they werent concerned as no sugar in urine?) Also had itchiness and swelling, but again they weren't concerned as blood tests/ ex...
Faint line? 8dpo..
How long does your LOs typically feed for, and how frequently? My LG is 3 months and is mostly feeding for 10 minutes before coming off but is feed about every 2.5 hours
I'm consultant led with my second baby due to having a traumatic birth with my first baby almost 2 years ago. I thought with consultant led you would have regular appointments and check ups with the doctor. I haven't seen a doctor since 14 weeks and I'm now 25 weeks. My next appointment isn't until the 27th December...
I know it’s still very early so will keep testing each day but what do people think? I swear I can see a faint line but not sure if it’s just me being optimistic??
My baby was born 3 weeks early. A few people have told me that I should be counting milestones from her actual due date and not from her birth date. What is the consensus? She is 6 weeks today so should I be following along the 6 week milestones or 3 week milestones (as her real due date at 40 weeks would have been ...
Has anyone been diagnosed with gestational diabetes?
My LG is 2 in a couple of weeks and since yesterday she’s had excessive amounts of pee. To the point she leaked twice yesterday, one of which she was leaning over me and the pee actually came through her nappy, out her leggings and onto me and the couch. Today she’s leaked twice also and every nappy has been mega fu...
Not sure if I'm forcing it or if its there, both pictures were taken within 5 minutes
Hello! I have received this letter today, however my midwife didn’t tell me any risk that I might have gd, I suppose is general for everyone? Is somebody that didn’t do it?
Was done 4 days ago but retesting in a week but currently period 1 day late