Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


I am almost 3 months ppd and I am seriously having a issue down there. So I bled for the 6 weeks and it wasn’t too heavy or crazy. Then I got the depo shot and started bleeding like mad. Lasted for 22 days. Went to the midwife and she said I had a reaction to the shot and that she didn’t think it was my period . Lik...


Can a stretch mark show up in like 5 minutes?? Because I swear this wasn't here earlier today 😭 *pic in comments*

More context: I'm 23 weeks with baby #2, and this child has been GROWINGGG. I've gained so much weight, but it's all belly. I didn't get any obvious stretch marks until afterwards with my first, so I'm not sure if this is normal. I didn't have this mark this morning, and now I have what looks like a cat scratch on m...


Back pain for 8 months after epidural

Finally decided to go see a doctor because this is ridiculous. Ever since I had an epidural because a needed cesarean I've had back pain. Every time I lie down. Also if I stand in place to long I get bad back pain. It's less when I walk but I still can't walk long periods without pain. Anyone else having this problem?


Feeling exhausted (31 weeks)

Hi! I am 31weeks pregnant and the fatigue I have been feeling since week 30 has been so tough. When I talk to people who are ahead of me, they mention how everything has been smooth for them and I feel so defeated. The doctor thinks it's a growth spurt and the fatigue will subside in a few days which am inclined to...


What is your favorite craving which makes your day way better?

I'm trying to lose weight but I cannot resist the Costco chocolate muffins with warm milk mixed with green tea!! My husband said to drink milk tea to increase milk supply. Lols. This makes me so happy and I enjoy my day rather than hating life. I want to go to the gym afterwards though. I get so motivated to do stuf...


Lightning Crotch

It has started for me today I'm 30 weeks 🙃 I felt it a lot with my first child, especially in the first trimester. I forgot how uncomfortable it could be... well, it's official he's going further down and pushing his big head against my pelvis, lol



I have bleeding and Im only 2dpo…it’s not bright red Please help


Bloating and belly aches

I'm only 5 weeks and 4 days, but my stomach muscles are really aching and I'm just so bloated. Is anyone else experiencing anything like this?



Anyone else struggling with symptoms but have other young children that need constant care even thru the night? Obviously this makes it challenging to rest/do self care. What helps you? I rest when mine nap which helps done. Mornings are the hardest part of the day bc of severe dizziness (all day but worst in the ...


What do we do to relax?

Wanting to get more out of my downtime and wondering what everybody else is doing when they have 5 mins here and there around baby. Getting bored and don’t know what else I could be doing. For example, when baby is sleep feeding for a while, what could I be doing? I either sleep with baby or I end up looking at pho...



18 weeks & 6 days, Stomach has been sore to touch in certain areas, stomach hurts when I lift my legs up, stomach hurts when going for a wee but haven’t got a UTI! Anyone else get this? Very uncomfortable and a little worrying, Feel baby every now and then I think like little pop feelings


No breakfast - is it ok?

Not usually a breakfast person and prior to pregnancy I’d only eat around midday. Is that okay through my pregnancy? Anyone else the same? I’m 11 weeks now


Constant headaches

Im constantly suffering from really bad headaches. It usually comes up and stays for several days, then disappears for a few days and then starts all over again. Paracetamol helps a bit, but as im suffering from this several days a week I don’t like the idea of constantly taking pain killers! Anyone same problem? Im...


Baby moving

I’m 20+2 and l usually feel bubbles when my baby moving and today l have felt my baby moving and turning and tapping all day and l just realised l been drinking lucozade all day which l never do so l think gave baby energy to move around 🥰


Embarrassing issue (TMI Sorry!!!) 😫 💩

I’m 36 + 2 and for the last couple of weeks it has kind of stung a bit when I have gone for a poo.. almost like a cutting sensation and feels a bit swollen back there.. there’s no blood or anything, but now I find even when I just do a wee, when I wipe there’s like a bit of skids on the toilet paper, but I haven’t d...


Can’t stop urine mid stream

Hi everyone, I gave birth 2 weeks ago, I noticed I cannot stop my urine mid stream. I don’t mean that I pee my self or have trouble holding in urine. When I go toilet, start to pee I am unable to stop it. Has anyone experienced this? Does it go away once you heal?


Stomach tightenings

So I have been having consistent stomach tightenings / cramps for a few hours now, sometimes accompanied with back pain. Are these contractions? Do I need to start timing them? I’m not in pain but I’d say they hurt rather than feel uncomfortable


Health anxiety - please help

I'm driving myself nuts every night over every little thing that could be 'wrong' with me. I've convinced myself I'm going to die soon honestly, it's making me unable to sleep or focus properly. I'm going to make a GP appointment tomorrow to address one of the issues, but it gives me so much anxiety I haven't even...



How has everyone been dealing with congestion? I’ve had a blocked nose since 9 weeks and I am now 22 weeks. Vicks doesn’t work and the Olbas nasal inhaler doesn’t help either 😩 I just miss breathing at this point


Painful Symptoms

I’m 35 wks pregnant and ALL DAY constantly I’ve been having lightning crotch. I also am carrying incredibly low the past few days. Today during spicy time I also kept getting horrible lightning crotch. The pelvic pressure and back pain is so bad it keeps me up at night and rolling over literally brings tears to my e...


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