Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
My little girl is 6 months old today she’s been having porridge since last week and we tried her with broccoli she wasn’t a fan which is fine but I’m seeing all these videos on tik tok of mums making all these lovely things (how do they have the time 😂) Do you give milk with meals? How much food do you give…
Hi, I’m hoping to get some ideas of toys for independent play. I’ve just had my second baby and my oldest loves being a big brother but is struggling a bit with the fact that I can’t play with him on demand now. It’s not too bad at the moment as my husband still has another week and a half at home but I want to ...
My daughter is 2years 7 months and I think it’s time to start toilet training but I have no idea where to start. I have a potty for her and she sometimes likes to sit on it but every time I try without pants she has a meltdown. When I go to the toilet, she knows I’m going for a wee wee so she understands what a to...
Hi ladies, I have a 10 year old step son and a 1 year old baby girl. Step son is with us every other weekend, per his choice. BM is notoriously dirty, according to my husband that is one of the reasons why they got divorced in the first place. Currently, SC and BM live in an apartment with 3 dogs, 3 cats, and appare...
Looking for advice on what to get my soon to be 2 year old twins for their birthday! They have so many toys so don’t really want to get them more tat. Was thinking about getting them more learning toys for colours, shapes, animal noises etc? I’ve tried teach them animal sounds with little figures but they just think...
Saw this on a blw group the other day, thought is post it here incase anyone looking for a quick snack/ lunch idea. Literally took my less than 10 minutes to do, and little one loves them!
Do you think travelling with a 2 month old is too young? Me and the father are long distance but he really wants to meet his baby but he can’t come due to work shift patterns. The flight will be 9 hours.
Hi everyone. My baby is 8 months now and has 3 meals a day. I have only fed him food pouches and jars. How much pouch is people giving? I have only been giving him half so far but not sure if it’s enough? Also anyone like me giving just only food pouches/jars can you share your meal ideas what you give? Appreciat...
Since going back she’s had a new teacher moved into her class as she replaced another teacher two weeks ago she smacked her head in the door and it bled a little then yesterday i got a call saying she walked into the climbing frame. She’s kinda clumsy but she’s never walked into anything with me she had a swollen ri...
This may sound silly but I feel like I’m not doing enough to entertain my baby. He is 3 weeks and 4 days old, he tends to sleep most of the time and is so good but he has a few hours after his morning feed where he stays awake most of the time, until his next feed. He’s just exploring and looking around everywhere, ...
Do any other married ladies feel as though they are a single parent when it comes to looking after little one? Don’t get me wrong my man’s a good man and he provides for us but when it comes to taking care of little one he lacks. I wake up earlier in morning get myself ready and then wake little one up get him read...
We don't give our 14month old chocolate normally however at easter would like to give her a little taste. She only has 6 teeth currently. She has CMPA. What chocolate egg/chocolate would you recommend that's not too hard for her. We have asked relatives to get her books but we felt a little taste might be nice for her.
Last night my other half came home and what felt like ripped into me about how our son should be doing things by now and why haven’t I tried harder. His comments completely cut me and hurt me and was very upset. I try so so so hard with our boy day in day out and I felt those comments were not deserved. Our son has ...
if your baby doesn't like a certain food? Avoid or keep trying? My girl doesn't like 🍌 🍌 🍌
I need help. I’m loosing my mind. My boyfriend i know he means well he works a lot to make sure we have everything we need. I work full time as well. But he’s never home and so the parenting duties are left for me and it’s become too much for me. I’m starting to resent him and become jealous of him. He gets breaks w...
hey! my bubba is 6months and we have been weaning for a few weeks now. She’s showing no interest in anything really, the only thing she’ll happily eat is banana porridge or she’ll suck on some of those melt in your mouth things. Whenever i try with anything else she just refuses to open her mouth after the first bit...
Our little girl is doing amazing we have no real problems other than being super clingy and wanting daddy all the time, she won’t let me do anything as her mum, if I try she will scream and cry and push me away, during the day when daddy’s at work she’s fine as she knows she has no choice but mornings and evenings w...
What are people planning on doing for their LO's 2nd birthday?
Hi guys! I’m just looking for advice/ a rant. I have an almost 12 week old little girl, me and her dad have been together for over 6 years, but I feel like I’m solo parenting. When I was pregnant, he was so excited, said he would do nigh sifts on weekends, take her after work so I could have a rest, have days just h...
So I did a quick stock up of fruit yogurts, soft cheese, smoothies and yogurts for my little girl! When I got home last night I totally forgot to put it in the fridge! I woke up this morning and remembered. Will all this be ok or waste?