Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Is anyone just not sleeping throughout this whole pregnancy!? My sleep is getting worse and worse but I’m functioning with it working full time as it’s become the norm. I’m waking every hour, just wide awake. Then by 4am I can’t drop off to sleep anymore !? Please tell me when baby is here even though you wake up fo...


Sleep regression 😩

My son will be one on Saturday and for the last couple of weeks he has been waking just before 5am. He doesn't have a dummy and will not go back to sleep. He sits there babbling away and occasionally whimpering or crying. I'm reluctant to go in and see him before 6am because as soon as he sees me he will demand milk...


Sleep sack 4month regression

I really need a sleep sack that’s good like the dreamland… without paying $90+ 😓. pleeeease help a girl out my baby needs some weight it’s the only way he sleeps


Conflicted whether I should stop pumping.

My son stopped latching at about 16weeks so I have been exclusively pumping ever since. He is almost 8 months and my milk supply has significantly dropped. Mostly because I stopped overnight pumps and became very inconsistent. We had a rough time with sleep when he got his bottom teeth. He is mostly drinking formula...


Sleep training a 7.5 month old

I honesty cannot do these nights anymore. It’s 4:34, I’m sat sobbing at the side of the cot where I’ve been for 2 hours now while our girl whinges to be picked up like she does every single night. Shes never slept. She wakes up between 10 and 20 times from when she is put down at 7:30 to when she breaks me and I bri...


Waking at half 2 and not going back to sleep

The last 2 weeks this has been happening and I’m now really struggling. Is this the 2 year regression? Any tips? She does usually go back to sleep around 5am for maximum of an hour.


Opinions on kids leashes?

I’m on the fence about these-help me out


If you’ve heard the story abt the young girl that dissapeared in DR Resort what are your thoughts?

It all looks so sketchy to me how she was obviously drunk and he friends didn’t look like it in the footage but left her behind w a man she just met. He also came back to the hotel without his shirt, shorts and sneakers…. I’m just wondering also if anyone saw him sleeping by the beach like he says… anyway the whole ...


Bassinet transition /baby monitoring

My 10 week old has been in a bassinet in our room since day one. Lately though he has been kicking and flailing and restless when I put him down for the night that he’s rocking his bassinet. When is an appropriate time to transition him to his crib? His pediatrician said by 4 months but I’m not sure if it’s too soon...



I lost my entire freezer stash tonight to a power outage. 2.5 gallon freezer bags filled with breastmilk storage bags. I am beside myself. My supply since returning to work has been barely enough, sometimes a little short and now my whole safety net is gone. I don't know what to do or how to deal with this crazy fee...


Sleep through the night help!

No matter what I do, my baby will not sleep through the night! He’s formula fed. We’ve sleep trained, but has always needed 1-2 feeds throughout the night no matter how much we tried to sleep train him through that. We also have tried weaning him off which just makes him wake up more frequent to drink more. We’ve tr...


Is anyone still tracking feeds/ sleeps on huckleberry

I’m scared to stop as I like to know when he last fed- he doesn’t give hunger feeds like he used to but I know he needs a feed if it’s been 3/4 hours yet sometimes after one!



Does anyone’s baby absolutely hate the carseat? She cries the whole time to the point to sweating. We live in Georgia and it’s going to get warm soon so this worries me with overheating. This prevents me from really going out unless I absolutely need to. She won’t take a paci either. We’ve tried: - Happy Song - swit...


3 and a half month sleep

How long does everyone’s 3 and a half month sleep at night without waking up at all? Mine is sleeping from 10:30pm all the way until 8am without waking up. No I’m not bragging but just wondering if this is the norm for other parents as well?


Not giggling

Has anyone else’s baby not giggled yet? My little one is 18 weeks old and I literally feel like my life is currently being consumed by the fact my baby isn’t giggling… Now I know this sounds dramatic, but we have a few mum friends who had babies all around the same age, give or take a few days, and babies who are a...


Laser hair removal with pregnant

Did any of you do laser treatments while pregnant? I’m in my first trimester and found out after I’ve had a session. Brazilian and arms. Will baby be ok?? If you did any laser treatments what time during pregnancy and how many?? And also what laser?? Mine was soprano diode



Hey guys, the last few days my 11 months old has been crying so much and in his sleep, he wakes up crying and his breathing sounds a little weird as well even during his naps while I’m at work my mother-in-law watches him and she says that he still wakes up, screaming, and crying and also is breathing weirdany advic...


Co sleeping

My baby only goes to sleep if she’s cuddling with me or dad. She used to sleep in her crib throughout the night fine with only waking 1 at night but now she only sleeps cuddling holding my breast. Has anyone experienced this once baby turned 8mo?


Is wrong to never want any more kids because mentally health

I had my baby and I never really wanted to be a mother I got pregnant and had her because I didn’t think it would make wores feel anxious all the time and can’t even sleep without my racing with horrible thoughts about my childhood and trama I just want way to stop it why don’t nobody talk about after having a baby ...


Nursing strike

Has anyone's LO ever done a nursing strike? My LO is 10 months and she's been ebf since birth. She does take the bottle at nursery (once a week until twice a week recently) or if I'm not there which is only a few times since birth. She's just all of a sudden refused the breast since bedtime last night, she took som...


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