Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Hi, Having some terrible nights with my 14 month old. She goes to bed fine and will sleep until about 1:30 and then wake up. She used to go back to sleep if she was in bed with me but now she spends about 2 hours jusy tossing and turning and crying and thrashing around trying to get back to sleep. In the end I give...
Hi, does anyone have recommendations for blackout blinds I can stick to the window? I can't have regular blinds as my windows open inwards. Now the sun has started rising earlier LG won't go back to sleep after her 5am wakeup because it's too light so she thinks it's time to start the day 🙃
Hi guys, I’ve been EBF for 9 months now planning to stop at 12 months as I go back to work. Can anyone share tips on how to start weaning my LO off the boob? How hard will it be? My daughter feeds to sleep so I’m dreading it! Thank you!!
Hii! So my little girl is nearly 9 months and has just started to sleep through the night (I know she's a little bit late 🙈), the only problem now is when she does sleep through, she wakes up ready for the day at half 5!! Bedtime is between half 6 and 7 usually, and wakes up from her last nap about half 2. Any tips…
My 6months old is walking so frequently in the night. She use to do 7/8hr stint - have a feed & got back to sleep till around 7/7:30am (bedtime around 6:30/7pm) She is now waking every couple hours and be ready for the day at 05:45/06:00. We follow WW, only have 3 naps a day and total day sleep varies between 1hr...
My LB is 2.5 and ever since we took the cot sides off his bed the lovely 12 hour a night sleeping has gone. Back in mid august last year we caught my then (almost 2 year old) climbing his cot sides so we removed them. From that night on our problems started. Apart from the odd period of about 6 weeks we’ve consi...
And as a result is waking every hour to hour and a half in the night to feed. Does anyone have any advice ?
I’m obviously not going to have sex right now as I am almost two weeks postpartum and had a second degree tear… just wondering for the mamas that tore when they had sex again??? My sex drive went down while I was pregnant but has since been so high since I had my baby so I’m thinking about it a lot 😅, I’m terrified…
Anyone else’s toddlers started waking at stupid times? 4:20 for the last 3 mornings, then before that 5am for 2 weeks… prior to this she was sleeping 11+hrs a night 😩
Anyone else’s toddler love sleeping in this position? Mine does this every night and refuses blankets, sleep sacks etc. our room isn’t too cold and we cosleep so I just let her stay blankets free but does the position mean she’s cold? She crawls out and wakes up everytime I put one on her.
I’ve been worried about my 10 month old because she’s would previously say 5 words ( mama,baba,dada,tata) she has stopped saying most of them and only really says mama sometimes. She also from 2 months old would do this scrunch things with her hands and wiggling feet when she gets excited I think people call it hap...
Baby boy goes sleep at 7.30, usually wakes up for a feed a 1 then back to sleep but recently he’s been waking up at 4.30/5 too and screaming and unsettled. Anyone have any tips to helping baby sleep though? we do sleeping bag, dark room with red light & white noise
When we transitioned our LO from bassinet to play pin (planning on moving and will buy a crib after the move) after he turned 6 months, it was an easy transition, he would put himself to sleep with a few wake ups for binky. Well this past week he's cried bloody murder every time he wake up. But the moment I hold him...
My baby is combi fed, she will take 2oz of formula, then starts arching her back, she goes stiff and pulls away, but also rooting for more. She will refuse anymore, however will latch to the breast, doesn’t arch her back or pull away and finishes the rest of her feed from me. Anyone know why she does this?
I had my baby boy yesterday via c-section. We’re having troubles with latching and only been successful once so far. Having to hand express on the other occasions. The first time I expressed, it was easy and got 4ml fast. Second time I only got 1.3ml but took a long time. Baby boy is just wanting to sleep which I k...
Hey everyone! My son is about to be 4 months old and here recently I’ve been noticing my milk smells soapy or almost like metal freshly pumped and he is starting to reject it we use formula also because my supply is so low and he’s starting to only wanting formula when he has my milk all he does it gag and spit up I...
LO tends to wake between 4 and 5 every morning but only really lays there sucking her thumb but doesn’t really go back to sleep. I’ve been feeding her then putting her back to sleep but should I just be putting her back to sleep if she isn’t crying for milk? I just worry that I won’t get enough milk into her during ...
Hi everyone, I’m really struggling in the week before my period (and every day leading up to it) and looking for advice. I have a toddler and a 3 month old. I’ve been experiencing extreme mood swings, crying for no reason multiple times a day, panic attacks that come out of no where, and a deep sense of sadness that...
My daughter is almost 2 years now. I have tried almost everything to stop breastfeeding at night, but failed miserably. She doesn’t want my feed for the entire day. She doesn’t want my feed to go to bed. But, whenever she wakes up at night, she just want my breasts. Only that can put her back to sleep. I have trie...
Its currently almost 4am and i cannot get a wink of sleep .. my toddler has to bounce her head on the mattress to settle herself to sleep and usually i can handle it but the past few days it hss been soooo unbearable it wakes me up from my sleep and she can sometimes do this for ages ( feels like hours actually) Ha...