Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Hi all, Do you wake your babies from long naps? My baby can often sleep more than 2 hours for his nap and I’ve currently been waking him once he reaches two hours but just wanted to see if others do wake or leave them to sleep?
Any advice on wake windows and routines? My little boy is 4 weeks so I know that’s too early for a proper routine at the moment, but when should I start paying attention to wake windows and getting him in to a proper bedtime routine? At the moment I just follow what he needs when he needs it.
Still breastfeeding my 13month old and she has a feed in morning and sometimes wants it before the 2 naps aswell. Anyone else in same boat are you still breastfeeding before naps ?
My LO is EBF but it’s absolutely taking its toll on me she feeds constantly or just wants to use me as a pacifier. The HV advised introducing a bottle maybe 1-2 feeds but we have tried 3 brands now, Tommee Tippee, MAM and Nano Bebe and she really won’t take any of them. How did everyone introduce a bottle to their E...
Has anyone removed the newborn insert of car seat yet? My baby is 14 weeks and 13lb and just doesn’t look comfy and squashed! Going to give it a go today to see if it’s any better!
At what age do babies stop cooperating about going in the pram? My child is very independent and I think i don't need it anymore but it feels weird getting rid of it so early. Anyone else ?
Recommendations please. We have a cheap umbrella fold one and hate it. Looking for something small lightweight, easy to fold, easy to push. If you have one and are happy with it please recommend. Or if you have one and are not happy what does it do badly? Thanks!
My LO is still having 4 a day, he only naps for 30-40 minutes max. And his last nap is around 5.30ish. He goes to bed at 8.30-9pm and wakes around 6-7am. We tried to drop a nap but this resulted in an early bedtime and an early wake (5-6am) which just doesn’t work for us. We saw the health visitor the other day who ...
can someone please tell me how to manage baby's sleep when the clocks go forward so her wake-up and bedtimes don't go completely haywire?? i can't get my head around it 😭😂or are people just going with the flow when it happens?
My baby is turning 7 months tomorrow and is still on 4 naps a day. A few weeks ago, we had transitioned to 3 naps, but recently he’s been waking up very early (between 6:00 and 6:45 AM), happy and active. Because of this, I’ve had to reintroduce a fourth nap to make it to bedtime. Bedtime varies between 7:00-8:00 P...
My MIL is keen to get a car seat for when she’s looking after our little one in the future - she’s got her eyes set on a Doona (mainly because she thinks it’s an interesting concept…) but I’m a bit wary based on various things I’ve seen and read. I believe they also don’t last particularly long? He’s currently comi...
Not sure if this is a stupid question Been weaning our 7 month old for a little while now and she’s been eating absolutely fine and drinking water. She used to drink 210ml bottles (7oz) between solids however she now won’t even finish her 180ml (6oz) bottles. When weaning do you lower the formula consumption ...
PLZ IS ANYONE ELSES LO STILL WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT CRYING?!?! Like at first it was for milk but we stopped giving milk at night and just gave her water. We had a solid routine and she STILL WAKES UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Idk what to do. I’m exhausted from waking up when she cries & then waking u...
My baby girl just turned 7 months and I really don’t know what to do so she will learn how to put herself to sleep. I don’t wanna do sleep training, any Cry it Out method or any method that requires the parent to let the baby stress and cry hard. She falls asleep either via nursing/ rocking in arms or rocking in ba...
Anyone had nursery mention a sensory report to see what could be causing some speech delay whilst at nursery?
I’m super guilty, my 5 month old daughter fell off the bed onto her back.. she seems okay and settled down quickly after the fall. Has this happened to anyone else?
So we have a stomach bug making its way through the house atm and I’ve recently got over it but my 2 year old seems to have it the worst.. would giving her some of my breastmilk help her fight the bug? She’s been unwell constantly for the last few months so she’s struggling.. sorry if this is strange to ask
My baby can now roll back to front, but can’t get back on his back once he’s on his front. In the night I sometimes find him lying on his front, asleep with his face down and it scares me so I roll him back onto his back but this wakes him up! What shall I do?
I have a vauxhall corsa sxi. It's a 3-door with not the biggest boot. We have a 2 year old and are due baby 2 in August. We don't really have the money, but could mayyybe scrap it up from somewhere or with help. Would we be able to cope with this car, or do we need another? Please comment any cars that are cheap to ...
Hi mummas! What monitors are we buying? Im reading all the reviews and cannot seem to find one that has just positive reviews 🙈 TIA xx