Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
When do you start using a birthing ball?
8dp5dt today. Tested this morning as I had a bad feeling (weird I know, but I wanted to come to terms with what’s happening before my otd this weekend), and of course it was a BFN. I’ve read that if you don’t test positive by now, it most likely will remain negative. Our transferred embryo was also hatching, so I do...
We're ttc baby #2, and I feel like my husband has performance anxiety during sex. Our first was not a complete accident, but we weren't trying. He has no problem getting started, but there have been numerous times he hasn't been able to finish, mostly when we think I'm ovulating (still don't have a normal cycle, s...
How many days of abstinence/ejaculation prior to egg collection day would be best for the sperm quality? I read somewhere it says at least 2 or 3, or 5. Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!
So I’m back at ttc again and for the first time ever, all of my apps tell me the same thing. That my fertile window will start in 3 days! I only use three (Flo, Premom, and the health app on my phone). I’m just very surprised since they’re not usually in sync lol. Makes me a little excited to try again tbh.
Guys help! I want another baby but I’m not even with my baby daddy anymore and I’m tempted to ask him to have another one together.. I know it’s probably not the best idea and it’s just that I love my son so much I want another! Help me ground and tell me it’s a bad idea loolol
When is best to start using a pregnancy ball?
I though this month was the one has some symptoms seen to be really struggling with my second
When did you all conceive your babies ?
I was sent a letter on the weekend saying I have slightly low Papp-a. I’ve still not been able to get hold of my midwife to get further info but have been taking aspirin since I received the letter but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
My husband and me are both confused. Around 2 months ago was the first time that when I was giving him a blowjob and he was enjoying it particularly well, he started moaning really loud and there came a forceful shower of some fluid out and it was a LOT! After like 10 more minutes he came, that was normal cum. After...
I've always wanted 2/3 babies but didn't end up having a baby till I was 31. Ideally, I want to be done having babies at 35 but I'm thinking is it too early to start trying for our second baby, my first is 9 months.. anyone else pregnant or had babies close together or any idea when you will try again?
Can anyone tell. Me what it’s like having a new born and a 2 year old? Me and my partner are wanting baby no2 but I’m scared it will be hard work 😟
I just don’t know if I see anything? I’m beginning to lose all hope - on Month 8 of TTC 😭
11DPO … filled with anxiety.. scared of a chemical pregnancy & potential ectopic 😵💫 .. Constantly watching my line progression 🙏🏻
I’ve got a first cafcass hearing in a week, any advice on what to expect and how to prepare? Any moms have been through this and how was it for you? I’m really anxious because I still battle ptsd symptoms due to the father’s abuse and I’m worried about how will I do during the call. TIA xx
I’ve been trying for 6 months now and I’m feeling really deflated about the whole situation. Trying for my 2nd baby.
I am 8dpo. I had a missed miscarriage earlier this summer & I feel like the only thing lifting my spirits is the thought of trying again & falling again soon. As my period is due on Sunday & I tested today - negative. I just feel down in the dumps again& let down by my body :( Anyone else feel like life is on stan...
I guess I’m just brain dumping as I can clearly see a second line on the below tests (photo taken within 3 mins!) - I am 11DPO today and this is my first positive test since we sadly miscarried our first pregnancy in early March. We have been TTC since then with no luck. I guess I was NOT expecting this, this mornin...
Is it really hard to have three kids? I have two and I’m pregnant right now. The transition from 1-2 felt so hard. I just found out I’m pregnant and I don’t know if I can handle 3