Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
hiii i got given the membrane sweep on thursday and ive been in rlly slow early labour since then (not actual contractions, just kinda light period like cramps?). i’ve just woken up and my cramps feel a bit stronger, my back keeps going from rlly painful to no pain at all and i’ve gone to the toilet and i’ve leaked ...
My husband and I are modeling after my parents photos (I was in daycare by three months of age and also at Dandy bear and things like that), but I really don’t know and online it just says doctors recommend waiting “ a few months.” My little one is two months old now and idk if I can take him to target or small st...
33w3d and having contractions like crazy. Thinning cervix, dr said he’s ok to do my C-section as of 32 weeks, but I don’t wanna do it unless I know baby can come home or of course I have no choice. I’ve had 5 premature births already and just can’t do the NICU again.. What’s the earliest you delivered and baby was...
So I got checked today a few hours ago and I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I tried a warm shower a warm bath they gave my Tylenol but my back won't stop hurting. I also have a heating pad and not even that helps. How soon could I possibly go into labor? These contractions hurt so bad I want to cry.
Opinions and experience sharing is very much appreciated
So I went in for cervical check the other night , as I had a small bleed and lost mucus plug … Doctor said “oh I need a second opinion” Then came back and told me so ur about 1cm dilated , I’ve lost ur plug ….. and I can see the membranes ! Does this mean I can go into labor some time Soon ??? How are membranes v...
Okay guys , so i had my first son when i was 18 i really didn’t know anything about packing hospital bags and things like that. I used everything the hospital gave me and was very uncomfortable in the gown with my butt out… Soooo now (12 years later🤣)since im pregnant with baby girl and that time is approaching,…
I feel like no one really talks about it, as i didn’t know. On Sunday, my water broke but i didn’t know. Everyone told me i would know, but i didnt. It was a very slow trickle throughout the day. I went in and they told me they could feel his water sac, but they will run a test just in case, and it was positive. I w...
We started trying but definitely didn’t think we were going to get pregnant first try. Now i’m due 1 day before my first borns 2nd birthday… Anyone else have 2 June babies? I am worried it’s going to be hard on them having birthdays so close together… I also don’t want to be stuck in a hospital on my daughters first...
Large pieces of mucus plug been coming out all day has this happened to anyone else before ?
It’s been 4 weeks. Had c-section. Incision hidden under belly flap. Wash it gently with mild soap and water which Dr said was ok. I can’t really see it well myself but husband said it looks good. Try my best to keep it dry but it does get moisture sometimes. Issue is it has a funky smell and I don’t know why. Anyone...
Has anyone else found their colostrum is quite pale in colour? Not worried just curious as all the posts I’ve seen it looks really yellow/thick whereas mine seems more pale and watery. Haven’t managed to collect any yet as the quantity is so small and the syringe doesn’t seem to suck it up but reassuring to get ...
Did anyone give birth in this hospital?? I had my first in Jamaica hospital & the experience wasn’t horrible I liked it but my new OB is in LIJ i just wanted to hear some of yall stories im having a c section btw
I am 39+3 (due date 16th) and my night time movements have become so much more palpable and the lightning crotch is non stop. Anyone feeling the same? I didn’t lose mucus plug, was told cervix is closed 2 days ago but tonight it’s feeling super intense whichever position I am in!
Hello, just looking for some advice. I’m 33+6. Had a growth scan and baby 90th percentile. I have been told due to high blood pressure and BMI they won’t let me go over 40 weeks. Likely to offered induction at 39weeks which 50% could end up in c-section. Also been advised I can have an elective c-section. Is anyone ...
I’ve been doing some reflecting this evening, I had an assisted delivery with forceps and baby was totally healthy but I was discharged within 24 hours. What was everyone else’s experience if you had a straightforward delivery and no issues? How quickly did you get home?
How much colostrum do we need to take to the hospital when we are to go in? Have been collecting on and off for a few days and just want to make sure I have enough
I was wondering if anyone has requested an induction on their due date and actually had it happen? My family are here from Italy when he's due and over Christmas. I was wondering if they'd actually induce me for then
So I’m being induced on Wednesday. But if I can I’d like to get things started naturally. Any tips to kickstart labour that actually work? I don’t want to hurt myself by eating loads of sriracha if it’s not gonna do anything 😅
Do anybody have an easier way to count contractions? I use a pregnancy app on my phone but by the time I get my phone unlocked and find the app and go to the contraction part, it’s almost over.