Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
This pregnancy is all different to my last in that it’s done on an apt now. I’m 9 weeks and not heard a thing from anyone about a booking apt/scan? Do I get a notification on this badger app when my booking apt is or do they call you? My maternity unit is Salisbury
Is it real??? I’m currently 10DPO after a loss a few months back and really hope so!
Has anyone called their doctors/ midwife clinic to arrange their first 8 week appointment yet? Or are you waiting a little longer? Xx
37 weeks and only 1cm dilated. Trying to not get discouraged
My first one at 10 weeks. What to expect?
So I go to my appointment in a few days what are some question to ask I’m currently 26 weeks and a ftm. When I asked my Dr at my last appointment what was to be expected she said I Can’t really tell you that because I have not experienced it. So I just need questions to ask directly when I go in as I know nothing an...
Has any c section mummy’s had Lymphatic massages! Are they worth it ? Did you see a difference?
Hi all I'm 32 weeks pregnant its my first baby. when I start drinking raspberry tea and dates?! And some people I saw drinking tea from Starbucks its really works
Hey Ladies, I have been on thyroid medication for almost 10 years now (Hashimoto disease) and never had any issues. Since my third trimester (gave birth 3,5 months ago) I am struggling with an hyperactive thyroid, which I never had before. I was wondering if anyone else experienced something like this? And did you...
Hi all, I live in Peterborough and I’m 9 weeks pregnant. I haven’t heard anything from the community midwife for a booking appointment. Is this normal/anyone else in the same position?
7DPO and just did a test - unsure if I can see a line or my eyes are deceiving me haha (more pics in comments). What do you think?
I think I tested too early but I was too impatient. I swear I see a second line help
I see a very thin little line
I am feeling so bloated and have gained like 10pounds and i am just shy of completing 29 weeks. One of my docs told me i should gain only 15 pounds whole pregnancy. What is a normal weight gain?
Just a heads up for other people diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I haven’t been diagnosed with GD as such but as my routine blood test at doctors came back point 1 over the ideal range the diabetes team at hospital have asked me to test my bloods etc and to be treated as though I do have it. I’ve never been ...
More pics in the comments
May sound dumb but I kind of assumed my GP would automatically do it.. I’m now 7 weeks and heard nothing.
Has anyone been to Glastonbury (or another festival) heavily pregnant? I will be 7.5 months this year so looking for any advice. I have been to Glastonbury pregnant before (3 months) and with 6,18month old but never heavily pregnant (no toddler this time!) Thank you
Picture in comments
So I had my booking appt nearly a week ago now, I have a big blood phobia but was super proud and managed to have the blood tests done at my local GP all by myself 🤣🙌🏻 I know some bruising after can be normal but I never had it like this before.. anyone else’s arm look like it’s been savaged after their blood…