Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

After Pregnancy

Has anyone had GD before? I know I'll have to get tested again after pregnancy for diabetes. Do you keep doing your finger pricks, or can you have a bit more free reign?


Pregnancy reveal

Any cute pregnancy announcements?


Am I wrong?

I decided to skip my 16-week appointment because I’m honestly just feeling overwhelmed with everything and don’t want to add more stress. I’m not even sure I need to go because I’m feeling fine, and I’m not dealing with any complications right now. When I told my mom, she flipped out and said I was being irresponsi...


midwife told me she’s flagging safeguarding as i had a social worker when i was a child?

will this affect anything? she said it wouldn’t - but now i’m so anxious lol


had my booking appointment today - how do i access notes etc?

i wasn’t told anything about notes so unsure how to! or if i even need to atm? xx


Line eyes

Anyone else see?? The normal pic is in the comments x


6 week appointment

Y’all I never made it to my 6 week appointment, I was going through it emotionally and I didn’t have a way to get there, could I skip it all together or should I call and make an appointment? I’ll be in my 10th week postpartum now.


Admitted to the Ward 🏨

It's currently 4:26am, and instead of letting my pregnancy horomes get to me, I thought I'd do a little post 😂 I've been in the hospital for the last two days because of pain and found out I'm 2cm dilated. That's all nice and well, but it's 4am in the forking morning, and someone got admitted across from me and…


Lines Eyes, Evap, or VVFL??

I am 8dpo and I swear I see something. But it showed up after the 2 mins, so maybe it’s an evap line. I’ll put another pic in the comments.


Midwife confuses me

I know my MW probably deals with a lot of women but apart from when i went to my GP at 4 weeks pregnant and had a water infection, I haven’t had any since. Every time she has checked my urine she’s said urine is fine but at my last appointment she said there was something and she might send it off to be tested more,...


32 weeks baby is measuring a little small

Had a appointment today and I’ll be 33 weeks tomorrow but baby weighs 3 pounds 14 oz and they said he should be atleast 4 right now so I have to go to the dr every week on top of that they just told me I have gestational diabetes have to check sugar 4 times a day. I haven’t been having much of a appetite now I’m sca...


Newly diagnosed 🙋‍♀️

Hi everyone Today I got diagnosed with GD (31 weeks pregnant) after being re tested due to baby being big on scans and it came back positive this time. Iv gotten over the initial shock and panic now I’m looking for whatever hints and tips anyone has to offer ? I don’t have my appointment with the diabetic specialist...


First fertility clinic appointment

I go to the fertility clinic for the first time at the beginning of January and I’d appreciate any advice/info. on what to expect on your first visit to the fertility clinic. Do I need to bring anything with me? What questions should I ask?? I’m feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed about it but hopeful at the same ...



Do u see a faint line


Someone help!

Can someone please help with the mycare app😭I cannot get on too it at all now for weeks and it keeps sending me emails telling me i have results . Does it take you to nidirect to sign in or am I doing it totally wrong?


Iron infusion

Has anyone had an iron infusion during pregnancy and can share some of their experiences with this? I've been advised I need one but I've never actually heard of it before and not sure what to expect


Some hours 6-8 or more Braxton Hicks

I am 30 weeks 3 days.. is that too many Braxton Hicks? I don’t have any other pre-term labor symptoms.


Experienced moms no shade to first time pregnancies

Baby list anyone have a baby list for a girl on the way in February I need a list of important things to have done


GDM gone?!

Maybe I sound stupid haha but it is possible as you progress in pregnancy you have better and better readings? I am on diet since 32 weeks when I found out and since then had 2 high fasting numbers and some high after lunch and dinner which after 2 h were sugar crash.. these days I ate whatever I wanted for Christma...


Line eyes

I can’t tell if I’m crazy or not anymore. Maybe it’s there? 11dpo, supposed to be cd1


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