Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

How should she be penalized? Highschool girl hits an opponent in the head with a baton during the relay race.

The girl suffered a concussion and possible skull fracture.


Baby in car seat at the front?!

Are you able to put baby in the car seat, rear facing in the front passenger seat? (with airbag off obviously) Don’t know if you’re allowed or not, read all different things online and just don’t want to do anything unsafe !


Baby hasn’t pooped in 3 weeks! Help?!

She’s had little streaks every now and then, but nothing actually coming out. We’ve tried tummy massages, prune juice, apple sauce, sweet potatoes, and she drinks plenty of water with plenty of wet diapers. I even tried the Frida gas passer, still nothing. She goes to daycare and now the daycare teachers are getting...


I'm 35 and

My husband makes comments that I hardly ever initiate sex anymore. Honestly I haven't given it much thought bc I've been dealing with a really extremely low libido. So when he would initiate, most of the time I would just go with it. But I get what he's saying to me. Like bc he initiates sex with me he is able to ma...


Is it possible that my 11 month old has autism?

FTM so not completely clued up. I noticed some differences from other babies and wondered if it’s a personality trait or signs of autism to keep in mind for when he’s a bit older. - babbled briefly at 4-5 months but not since - minimal vocals - stares into space and at people without much expression - very chill an...



When did your period start again after birth?


3 week growth spurt

My baby is cluster feeding and only wants me! Usually I can give her to my husband and he can settle her whilst I get some sleep, but tonight she just screams and then as soon as I’m holding her again she’s flat out straight away. Anyone else?


HELP! My baby cries when I put him in his crib and he used to fall asleep in his crib!

Now he wants to fall a sleep on my bed cause that’s where I read books to him but i usually always put him in his crib and he falls asleep in there! Is this normal ???


Power struggles… my 3

My 3 refuses to bathe!! I’m extremely overwhelmed with a 3 year old and 8 month old baby and 9&11 year olds. He screams and fights. I’m at my ends … I feel so bad!


23 month old language milestones

Hi all! First time mama here and curious about language milestones. Our daughter will be 2 in a month and while it feels like she is learning a new word everyday, she isn’t linking them together or saying anything in sentences. If she wants to communicate an idea she does it in one word chunks with long pauses in be...



I’m almost two weeks pp and ebf. I’ve purposely not pumped because the lactation consultant told me it could cause an over supply. LO is eating every 1 1/2- 2 1/2 hours and is really good at getting all of not most of the milk out. However I took a nap today and when I woke up I had soaked through and filled up my b...


Sleep needs to get better 😭

My 3 month old went through 5 weeks of waking up every hour (previously she was hitting nearly 6 hours and then maybe another 2-3 hours after that), we’ve finally had a week or two where she would go down for 4 and a half hours for her first stint (and every hour after that) which I could absolutely cope with) and n...



What words is your baby saying? Currently we have: baw (ball), caw (car) and uh oh! We have mama, dada (sometimes daddy) and didi. He was saying pop for awhile but hasn’t said it in a couple months.


Diarrhoea / Lactose / CPMA

My LO is 20 weeks and he has been having diarrhoea for 15 days. Been backwards and forwards to the GP and also sought advice from HV. He has always been windy, occasionally a bit grumpy after feeding but apart from that doesn’t show any signs of CMPA etc. He has some patches of dry skin but nothing significant. GP s...


Owlet help

Hey does anyone have any experience with the owlet and having false alarms? My baby is 2 months old and I’ve put the owlet on him every night and not had any alarms go off. Until about two days ago I had a red alarm go off for low heart rate and oxygen. Heart rate was in 50s and oxygen 72%. I ran over to check on my...


Is it bad I let my two year old FaceTime?

My 2 year old loves talking and sometimes I’m a little busy around the house and I have a needy 8 month old. Is it bad that I let me 2 year old sometimes FaceTime (with the FaceTime locked in) with my family members while I get things done around the house, she loves talking so it keeps her preoccupied. Is this bad?...


Long shot

Pls help! My daughters favorite toy is this little crab “Mr crabs” I can not for the life of me find him again anywhere online as she got so many bath toys for bday and Christmas and it’s a toy she uses in and out the bath When I tell you my child is obsessed!! Does anyone know where this toy is from? Any help ...


Travel Pram Recommendations

Hi, We have the Silver Cross Reef 2 and we’re going on holiday soon but I’m worried taking our pram it will end up ruined. What travel prams/strollers do you recommend? My baby will be 18 weeks when we go so I want one that still lies flat. I’ve looked at the Silver Cross Jet and Silver Cross Pop - has anyone use...


Best 360 carseat for my 7 week old?

Looking for recommendations on 360 spin car seat that is good for our newborn? Thanks 😊


What am I doing wrong

I’m feeding my son fresh cows milk from his Tommy Tippee bottle - it took him 17mins to have 7oz as opposed to his usual 6/7minutes on formula … What am I doing wrong


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