Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Do your 20 months old still sleep with white noise on and a light?
Anyone else’s LO started having false starts at bedtime? We put LO down at 8pm after her bedtime routine and then she wakes up at least once, mostly two or three times during the evening before going down for the night. She is teething so could be a bit of discomfort or maybe separation anxiety? Any tips or is it ...
FTM here and I wonder how long does baby/toddler/child need a playmat for? Considering getting totter and tumble but not sure if it's worth it. If anyone's got a totter and tumble, I would be interested to hear your thoughts.
My daughter just turned 3 months and for the last 4 nights she’s mostly woken every 45mins 😵💫 I’m wondering if it’s the 4 months sleep regression starting early, though does seem a bit soon!! Anyone else getting the same?
Hey everyone! I’m 1week 5 days pp and I’m getting worried about my milk supply. Ever since birth my supply has been going up! (I’m breastfeeding + pumping) just a couple days ago I was pumping like 750ml during the day! (I’m not pumping at night) but yesterday and just today I barely pumped 350ml during the day. I ...
My daughter is nearly 18months and there's only a few weeks left until her brother is due. Her behaviour lately is just so challenging. Everything just turns into a tantrum. My head is permanently banging. Ive read countless stories and advice about how kids feel the most comfortable at home and with their mums so...
So I’m coming on here today to ask this question because I swear I’ve tried absolutely everything to get my son to stop Breastfeeding. At this point it is just for comfort and he breast-feeds throughout the day and throughout the night. I wanted to go until two, but it’s just gone on way longer than I really want to...
Anyone having similar struggles of dealing with behavioural changes from their autistic toddler to a new sibling? He seems to love his now 3 month old brother but when his brother goes through fussy periods crying it’s like they’re trying to out cry each other… My 3 year old son is sooo much louder now and even sta...
How are y’all dealing with the witching hour? Our newborn just started being very fussy around 5-11pm and we go down the list but nothing helps until she finally gives in to a nap 🥲
My son only sleeps through the night if someone is sleeping next to him or if he sleeps in our bed. Once he’s put down in his room in his own bed he wakes up at 4:30am like clockwork. We also moved into our new house so now he has his own room (he used to have his bed in our room at our 1 bd apt) so idk if it’s that...
I’ll go first…why are they like this 😂
We decided to wean from breastfeeding. It's been two nights so far and I cried from the sadness of my little's exit from baby hood, which is partially what breastfeeding meant to me for him. Now, I'm dealing with engorgement pain. How long did it last for you? What did you do to ease the pain, emotionally and physic...
7 week old constantly bobs on and off of the boob whilst breastfeeding and it’s driving me crazy! My first born breastfed without any issues for 12 months and never done this. Anyone know why or how to correct it? He had his tongue tie cut and it hasn’t made the slightest bit of difference!
I had a call with my son's nursery today about how he is settling in to his new room since turning 2. They said that he is being monitored by the senco due to how big his emotions can be and they're planning 1:1 sessions for him. He has been through a really emotional phase at home but I'd say it lasted 3 weeks then...
My daughter 11 months pooped this ( I know she’s a bit constipated) since we started solids recently but is the color concerning or not at all? Other info : she’s on iron fortified formula and always have been
When did you all stop giving your LO milk or weaned off? I mean whole milk or alternative milk. My son is going on 14 months.
FTM with newborn who is 5 days old. I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding and it’s been going well but my nipple pain is really hard to tolerate. The nurses and LC at the hospital all said he has a great latch, but the pain is sometimes at an 8-9 out of 10 for me when he latches. The pain goes down as feeds but it’s s...
My girl has bruised one of my nipples.. also it hurts when she latches.. help!
I’m 5 days pp has my milk came in yet ? This is my first time pumping for only 10 mins
First time mom here due in a few months! Im looking for suggestions on any favorite/must have baby products or even favorite brands to add to my registry. Both for baby and for my postpartum care as wellll 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻