Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
I want to buy a play gym for my 3 week old that will last her until she is a toddler. Any good sensory play mats / play gyms anyone would recommend for tummy time?
I don’t see a problem if it’s working for us and keeping my very content baby happy. However everyone around me seems to think it’s a problem 👀
Ok so sleep or rather the fight to get him to have it, is driving me to my wits end. My baby boy is 7m and a pretty good sleeper during the night (8/9 hours, one feed then another few hours). However during the day it’s a battle for his naps and I don’t know what to do. To get him to nap I feed him to sleep and th...
My partner sucks at waking up, he gets home at 11–12 so we agreed 10am would be a good wake up time so he can chill and shower and eat after work When I wake him up he ALWAYS says 10 more minutes I give him 30 and come back in and this repeats, this leads to the point where I’m mad and starts every morning in a fig...
How were your LO’s during 16 week jabs? My baby is due end of the month and I was planning on staying at my parents a couple of days later for a week! Wondering whether I should defer though in case LO acts up. Was wondering what your experiences were
A non WiFi one. Thanks
My lo doesn’t go to nursery my mother looks after her when I’m at work, when we are back together she becomes quite emotional and sensitive which I am of the understanding this is quite normal, my mother obviously finds this irritating ‘as she’s fine with her all day’ can anyone else relate? I have tried explaining ...
Since my baby was 4 months old I was able to put him down in his crib awake for all naps and bedtime and he would go to sleep on his own within 5/10 minutes with some patting and shushing. Recently he is resisting all naps and I’m having to feed to sleep (ebf) and he will sleep in my arms eventually. Feels so frustr...
Anyone else having less milk? I pump and nurse, my baby is 7 months,EBF. I haven’t decreased eating and I don’t think I’m stressed (been stressed the last 2 days due to decreasing milk). I feel like he’s hungry, not getting enough. I power pumped last night. I don’t want this journey to end yet. He’s eating solids (...
I know it’s because he can’t really communicate with words yet but has anyone else experienced this
Anybody else’s baby just not sleeping in the day, napped like 30 mins all day and he’s been up since 6am. Honestly hell atm😂 Very very cheeky.
My boy is EBF but will not take to a dummy.. so far we have tried Mam & Nuk. No luck with either. Suggestions would be amazing as I am desperate 🫣
Hi ladies! I have been co-sleeping with my baby on and off since we’ve been home from the hospital. My baby was sleeping half the night in the bassinet and now she doesn’t want to sleep in there at all. She’s also been only contact napping except for maybe one nap a day bc my 2 year old insists on being in the room ...
I've been exclusively breastfeeding for nearly 3 weeks now but I feel it's really starting to take its toll on me so I want to start combi feeding but I feel a bit clueless with bottle feeding as I never did it with my first born. I'd like her to have maybe a few bottles in the day so my husband and my mum can help ...
This is not combined or altered this is left and right 250ml and 60ml LO 5weeks old feeds every 2 hours about 120ml I pump 20mins both sides every 4 hours and have done from start One side just hasn’t increased and the other just keeps going up What can I do to even this out ?
How much milk typically should a 1 week old be drinking? Baby was born with 6lbs 1oz and premature. Midwives are giving him 52mls but I feel like it’s abit too much and he won’t finish it..
There's so much conflicting info so just wanted some advice. After 6 months my breastfeeding journey is coming to an end due to CMPA/ezcema and baby having to go onto an allergen free formula. Just wondered how people prep bottles with the "hot shot" method? This is how I was planning as baby won't drink them cold...
Hey ladies! I’ve been co-sleeping with my baby on and off since we’ve been home from the hospital. Now my baby doesn’t want to sleep in her bassinet at all and I’m having to have her sleep on me for naps and at night. How do I get her back in the bassinet? Anyone else have this issue?
Hi For those of you doing 1 nap - what time does baby eat lunch please? Sleeps x til ? Thanks
My 3 month old loves contact naps during the day and cries whenever I put him down to sleep on his own. While I love holding him, it can be quite inconvenient cos I’m limited to what I can do. I’m also starting work soon and won’t be able to continue doing this even tho I work from home. Any advice on how to break o...