Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
So I’ve let my little girl that’s recently learnt to walk, walk around the shop sometimes with me. However now when I don’t let her walk she has a meltdown and just wants to get down. When ever I go shopping, all other toddlers her age seem to be in the trolley, so I wonder if I’ve created this monster my self 😂
My 13 month old has been having split nights since she turned 9 months. It's nearly every night and I'm exhausted. Because it's been so long, I don't even really know how much sleep she needs in a day. I've tried many times to resolve it but the split nights kept coming back. 2 weeks ago I calculated that she had ...
Hi. My daughter is 2.5years old. She still has full fat milk in the evening before bed in an open cup. Can she have semi skimmed now or still full fat? She have 3x meals a day and snacks during the day.
Please someone make me feel better, my little girl will be 7 months next week and she has only ever napped in her own for more than 30 mins once. Since she started crawling and bottom teeth came through I have to contact nap otherwise she would have 20 mins and be miserable all day long. I can put her down in her co...
So today I went to my local GP for concern missing 2 periods and not being pregnant so questioned perimenopause for context I'm audhd and I feel the dr wasn't listening or understanding my adhd and turned around and said yes you could be going through the change what worries you about that. Hiw you supposed to answe...
Have anyone changed the cot mattress? My little boy is 14 month old and for the last 5 months he wont sleep in his cot all night. He will go to bed between 7-8 and will wake anytime between 1 and 4am and will not settle back into his cot. But will settle fine on me or in my bed with me or even on the sofa. We move...
Is anyone else’s baby refusing their naps every day? I literally battle for sometimes an hour between his next to me, the carrier and my arms and he’s just not happy to sleep anywhere?! Just slamming his legs in his cot or screaming in my arms/carrier because he’s so overtired?! Any tips, I’m going insane!
Anyone doing sleep training during the regression? My girl can’t self soothe which is causing her to wake numerous times crying. Shes fighting her naps in the day too, we currently contact nap but I am wanting to change this asap, just know it’s going to be hard 😂
I think it’s really important to make people who are feeling alone aware that a lot of us struggle! So I’m starting a ppst so we can all out ourselves on things we’ve done while struggling! For me, I was petrified to give my baby a bath! She didn’t have a proper bath until she was about three months! I was so anxiou...
Hey so my 4 day old baby is jaundice and the midwife’s keep telling me to pump to give him milk I’m pumping about 5 ounces of milk now. He’s got a tongue tie but he seems to be latching fine I have a really quick flow so a lot of it comes out in the first 2 minutes. Do I still need to pump I really don’t want to but...
Does your lo go to sleep themself in the cot at night? Is this the only way to get them sleeping through? My lo wakes up every night to come and sleep in our bed because I don’t put her down in the cot to sleep herself I guess
Thinking about buying this as I am pregnant and have a 1 year old. I like the idea of them being side by side. But… does it fit through any doors? Is it worth the money?
How many naps is your 9 month old having and what are your usual wake windows?
Hi, I'd like to know if anyone has been on the same boat and how things evolved. My girl is 8 months and HATES her car seat. She will be okay for 30 min and then yells non-stop. A 1h30 trip easily takes us 3h30. It is near impossible to make her sleep in the seat, or make her sleep and then put her in the seat. I ...
My little boy has started to wake frequently throughout the night. His routine his so flexible. Not sure if we should start capping and timing naps in the day. He usually has 2. Normally goes to bed between 6:30-7 pm Wakes at about 10pm and then again anout 1 am and again about 4 🥴 he never used too!! Usually…
I have 2.5 year old son and 3 week old daughter. Since my husband went back to work I’m finding it hard to give my toddler the attention he needs. Also my newborn will only sleep on me and my son just keeps waking her up when she’s napping. What is everyone else doing to make sure your newborn gets their long naps w...
Please tell me I’m not the only one going through this 💀 my little girl is going through such an aggressive phase at the moment. She gets so frustrated and starts slapping me in the face, scratching my face and a new one is now pulling my hair. I try react calmly, tell her to do her breathing (we’ve started…
I love breastfeeding my daughter ! I think it’s great she’s getting her nutrients and it’s pretty easy for me up to this point and great for bonding(child finding comfort in you) but mannnnn I am so sick of it, she’s 20 months old and I feel like she’s still constantly on the boob ! Omg 😳 like she barely eats her…
Hi everyone, I got baby bed for give away! If you interested is for collection today. It’s in very good condition.
Anyone else’s little one not linking sleep cycles? My LO will sleep great the first 30 mins of her nap and then will be up and will need to be resettled. I’ll have to pick her up to do this then I’ll put her back down and it can last anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes and she’s back up again. I feel like I’m ...