Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Is anyone else struggling to get their little one to take milk from anything other than a bottle?


Breast pads

Any breastfeeding mums got breast pad recommendations the ones I’m using are useless 🤦🏽‍♀️


Milk drying up

Heyy so I’m letting my milk dry up and was wondering if my boob going like super solid was a good sign ?


Transition to own room

Hi girls, just looking for some tips tricks or advice anyone has about moving my nearly 6 month old from the next to me to his own room. I currently breastfeed to sleep and feed whenever he wakes in the night, and when he falls asleep putting him on his belly to sleep as that’s what he prefers and wakes when placed...


Period and EBF

I’ve had my past 2 periods while EBF , anyone else’s baby very fussy when your on your period? He’s so fussy with the boob as well, still taking it but so so wriggly. Just wondering if anyone experienced the same



Please can anyone recommend a good cheaper alternative to pampers nappies


Anyone else’s baby just not sleep the best?

He usually doesn’t decent amount when he first goes down to sleep… he usually does 4 hour block when first put down, then after that he’s up every 1 to 2 hours, and it takes me sooo long to fall back to sleep so I think I probably get about half an hour on each sleep apart from the 4 hour one… I’m absolutely exhaust...


Play kitchen recommendations

Anyone bought LO a little play kitchen that they'd recommend? Apparently my little boy is loving the one at nursery, so keen to source one for home 😊


My 16 month just babble says mama and Dada but no other words

How many other moms have this situation?



How many bottles are people doing now within the day (minus nights) & how often are they now feeding? I used to feed my little boy every 3 hours but he either takes like an oz or 2 or just ends up being sick so I’m wondering whether to try and go maybe 3.5 hours which would mean 5 bottles a day. I always do 6oz in ...


Breastfed or formula?

What did you choose? Why and did you the the same for all kids? I just had my second and currently need to combi feed due to a severe tongue tie. But I also find BF restricts my time with my toddler which makes me upset. Wondering if anyone didn’t (fully) BF for this reason?


Feeling discarded

Just struggling. Baby dad has basically abandoned us. No contact and it hurts. He’s missing my baby’s life while being there for the girl he also had pregnant at the same time as me. That absolutely devastates me. How he can be present for one child and go out of his way to be there. But for my child he’s never put ...


Seatbelt over baby or car seat?

Anon because I’m embarrassed… We have a Joie I-gemm car seat that is usually on the isofix but we’ll need to attach it to the car with the seatbelt.I can see how to do it from the instructions but it’s not clear whether the seatbelt goes over the baby inside the chair,or just over the chair and the baby goes on top...


HELP- Getting Baby to Sleep

What sleep training methods have worked for you??? I don’t believe in cry it out. Our baby won’t go to sleep. We’ve tried a little of the Ferber method and letting cry a little but she doesn’t settle and I feel terrible. So don’t wanna do it. She has gotten so used to sleeping on me and it’s so hard to get her t...


Sleep regression success stories!?

Getting desperate here.. my 5 month old hit the regression after good sleep just after Christmas and it still hasn’t got any better. The naps have really improved and he doesn’t mind being in his cot, but night times are still 2 hour waking’s then up for the day at 5am. Trying gentle sleep training which works some...


Where have I gone wrong?

My 22 month old wakes up so early 5:15am today! Tried both early and late bedtime, cutting nap short etc there’s no bloody winning! I work full time and I’m drained. On top of this I send him to the childminder he doesn’t eat anything and I have to pick him up by midday to put him down for a nap. He won’t feed himse...


Too big for next to me.. what next?

My boy is nearly too big for the next to me! What is everyone using after this? Which cot etc do people have?



My daughter is 15 months and not walking or standing on her own, is there any way I can help encourage her?


Sleep 🥱

I haven’t slept properly for weeks. My pregnancy pillow doesn’t seem to be helping. I’m trying so hard not to sleep on my back but that’s what I’ve done my whole life so I keep waking up finding myself on my back. When I try hard to sleep on my side - using pillow - I wake up with sore hips or I’m just tossing and t...


Sleep Routine

My 7 month old goes to bed at 7-730 pm and sleeps for 3-4 hours and then is up every 2 hours after. His wake up time is 7am, first nap 9:30 am, then between 12:30 - 1:00 pm, last one is 4-4:30 since he gets exhausted. I’m just wondering if I should adjust anything in regard to sleep pressure or his wake windows. Any...


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