Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Baby biting my nipple with teeth 😭

Hey, has anyone else experienced this and what do you do?! Baby girl has her front teeth and she’s biting down on my nipple randomly sometimes whilst feeding it’s awful. I EBF but it’s making me feel like I won’t be able to continue breastfeeding as I’m scared she will wound me and then I’ll struggle to feed her o...



I’m breastfeeding and pumping, I haven’t had my period. Is anyone having theirs? I get spotting occasionally so idk if that’s normal


Issues with bedtime expressed bottle for breastfed baby

Our normal routine is for my husband to give baby a bedtime bottle of expressed breastmilk. This was initially to give me a break when breastfeeding was hard, but now we keep it so she's used to a bottle when I start to spend some time away from her (like for an evening out). Recently she's been absolutely screami...


Mental health

A couple months ago I begged my husband for help. I talked about being sent away to get my head right. I don’t live near my family and the only option was if his parents could watch our kids (his mom doesn’t work and his dad is always away for work) so I thought maybe it could work. Well nothing has happened from th...


Rent a compact stroller

Hi everyone, we are going on a holiday with a 12 month old next month and was wondering if we could rent a light weight cabin friendly stroller anywhere online/in Glasgow? Does anyone know of such a service? We have a really sturdy stroller but it's quite heavy and doesn't fold to fit in the cabin so I'm looking at ...


Help! 2 week old won't sleep in the next to me & hates being on his back.

Breast fed baby who is so quiet on us when he sleeps and will do some naps in the moses basket in the day after he has fallen asleep on me but at night, he just won't sleep at all in the next to me, and only wants to be held or be on his side and not his back .. any tips welcome as these sleepless nights are a killer!


Baby doesn’t like the stroller

My baby used to like going around in the stroller but for the last few weeks he starts complain after sometime, some days after 10 mins some days after half an hour. Does anyone experience the same? Any suggestions how to make stroller rides enjoyable again. I am guessing it is bc he is trying to master standing u...


Does your baby also hate the outdoors?

My 3 month old screams bloody murder when we go outside regardless of how we do it - stroller vs carrier vs just being held carrier free. 😭


Nipple Pain

Anyone have any suggestions for nipple pain with BF? My left nipple has been hurting so bad every time baby feeds. I wear the silver nipple shields, but it hasn’t helped much. If I need to see a doctor, I’m not sure if I should go to my primary care provider, or my OB? Any mamas have any suggestions for me?🙏🏼


Next car seat

I need to pick a new car seat asap as little one is at max capacity now. Does anyone have the Joie I-spin 360, is it any good? When it’s rear facing is it still reclined like the newborn car seats? Feel like my baby is done with being reclined. Also, I don’t get the difference between this one and I-pivot??


Baby monitor

Has anyone whose baby sleeps in their own room stopped using/doesn’t use a monitor? I use one as I’m always worried about not hearing him cry, but I’m such a light sleeper and I’m constantly waking up to any sound he makes. My husband thinks we’ll hear him if he needs us. I sleep with a fan on in the room too, so wo...


Trouble staying awake

Hey so I’m such a deep sleeper, I’m barely awake when bf my daughter at night which scares me so much. How can I keep myself awake when feeding has anyone been like this? Like I’m such a deep sleeper that my friends who had a key to mine come in (we were supposed to be meeting like them coming round) come up to my b...


Have to leave baby overnight but she won’t go to sleep or stay asleep without breastfeeding

I have an overnight work trip in 2 weeks and I have to leave my 8 month old with my partner, however my little girl will only be breastfed to sleep at night. She wakes about every 2 hours from bedtime all through the night for comfort feeds, and if I don’t breastfeed her she will get inconsolable. I have left her un...


Silent Reflux &Gaviscon

Hello, Going through a rough patch with my baby girl, she is 7 weeks and never seems happy/ relaxed after a feed. She is EBF, I wind her/ keep her upright etc after a feed but honestly she next falls asleep or relaxes. I spoke with the doctor as thought it could be silent reflux as we get crying/ fussing/ arching ba...



Mounjaro whilst breastfeeding? Is it possible? 13 months post partum



I’d like honest opinions on vaccinations for babies - for and against. I’m not pro or anti vax, as my baby had his 8 week jabs but due to having a horrible reaction and ending up in hospital I’m now not wanting to continue with the rest. I’ve done research but wanted to know peoples opinions and if you vaccinated y...


9 Month Old Constipated

Do any moms know what I can give my son for constipation? It’s to the point where he is crying and grunting 😩and he went to the doctor for it, but the drops he’s been taking (Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Drops and Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops) aren’t helping at all. I’ve tried Apple juice, pear juice, and prune baby…



My little girl is 18 months. Shes never been a great sleeper, she is still breastfed. She goes down well but after her first wake, which can sometimes be 40 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, it really varies, but whenever her first wake is, she just will not stay in her cot and has to come into bed with me, has anyone else ...


BF only once a day

Baby is just over 7 months, was exclusively BF until 6.5 months and since then I've been decreasing this and started formula as I'm going back to work in April and don't want to pump during the day etc. If possible I'd like to keep feeding him just once a day for now but I'm not sure whether I'll keep getting a supp...


Tips for encouraging independent walking?

My little boy is 10 months and loves to walk holding onto our fingers he can walk a few steps here and there and has been doing this for a few months. Does anyone have any tips for encouraging his confidence to walk independently?


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