Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


My 7 month old is struggling to poop and doesn’t for days since he’s started solids but I can tell that he wants to as he’s in pain. He used to be poop around 4-7 times a day before solids! I’ve tried stomach massages, leg bicycles and giving prune pouches but it’s not working. Is there anything else I can do? Not s...


Severe anxiety, third pregnancy

I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and pretty much since I found out I was pregnant I have experienced severe anxiety… I’ve experienced anxiety for a lot of my life and I was taking medication up until I fell pregnant for the third time… I think I naively thought I didn’t need medication anymore so I weaned off it but ...


High chair recs

Hey Mumma's. Please can I have your high chair recommendations? Would like one that is easy to clean, not huge, can potentially fold and is comfy for baby. I know the IKEA ones are usually recommended but you can't fold these x


Shouty baby

Is anyone else’s usually happy and content baby turned into a bit of a gremlin? The past couple of weeks my 8 month old shouts and moans and complains so much it’s driving me mad. She’s desperate to crawl so I think a lot of it is frustration and when she isn’t shouting she seems to be learning so much. But I hate s...



Does anyone know what prams are ok to go on tui flights?


Baby cry’s every time I put her down

Mentally struggling with my baby not being able to be put down for more than a minute- we also haven’t been able to do tummy time for more than a minute because she just screams the house down. The only time she isn’t crying is when she is in my arms. Any tips from other mothers that have had a similar situation?


Anyone else finding the morning nap hard work all of a sudden??

He used to go down so quick in the mornings and now he is taking AGES. I’ve extended his morning wake window as well


Sleep regression

Anyone going through a sleep regression. His sleep at night is getting better but his naps during the day are an absolute battle 😫



What’s everyone’s current nap/sleep routine? My baby refuses to follow wake windows as much as I try so looking to set nap times instead (he wakes at different times each morning and if I wake him early he is grumpy all day)!



I accidentally had a coffee with normal milk this morning and breastfeeding a CMPA baby.. I will substitute the next feeds with previously pumped milk but how long would this be a problem for?! Very annoying as I have been so strict!


Best products for plane travel with infant and/or toddler?

5 hour flight each way, we’ve flown before with just my toddler so know all the ‘tips’ like giving a new toy they haven’t seen before, feed on takeoff landing etc. Looking for any specific product recs that made a flight easier for you with little ones! (Not a stroller though we already have a travel double we are f...


How to shift babies wake time?

Any tips on moving babies morning wake-up time from 5:30-6am to 7am? He sleeps from 8pm, generally all the way through to 6, sometimes 5:30. I know I'm lucky he's sleeping 10 hours (we did have our rough weeks!), but I'd love to get him waking for the day at a slightly later time to let mummy get her sleep too!


Breakfast first or milk first?

I usually give my little one breakfast first thing as he wakes up but he's always very upset and crying as I'm feeding him thinking whether I should give him the bottle first then breakfast a bit later on? What does everyone else do?


Night time feeds/bonding fading ...

I know many of yall on here couldn't wait to have yall babies sleep through the night and not have to wake up but me I looked forward to that time to bond and just be present as I prepare to return to office 3 days a week....but now that the sleep regression has started to fade my baby has slept since his last feed ...


I don’t know If anyone’s mastered this but please I need tips!

Does anyone know how to get baby back in buggy without a screaming match. I like to let her out and about but want to put her back in when needed without the screaming crying that lasts ages! I’ve tried snacks and phone to watch something/ a toy but nothing!! Any tips?



Baby sleeps in crib, starts getting unsettled around 6-7 but I can tell she’s not ready to wake. I bring her into bed and she’s still asleep now 8:44 but I can’t sleep with her in the bed😫 any ideas of how I can get her to stay asleep in the crib? Not sure what’s waking her because she’s clearly still tired



Hi all, my girl has been prescribed Carobel for her milk. However the instructions are so 💩. My girl has 4oz feeds so does anyone know how much I put in a bottle. Again the instructions are not clear 🙃


Child disability payment

Hi, I've just applied for child disability payment and was wondering how long the wait time for it is? I've provided all the relevant documents etc and was just curious if anyone else has applied and how long they take to get back to you. Thanks x


Post natal insomnia is causing me to crumble

My baby is 4 months old and it feels like he is constantly going through sleep regression! I only get fragmented sleep and this is affecting my mood significantly. I don’t have motivation to do anything and I currently don’t enjoy life 😣


Baby screaming at top of his lungs

*video in comments- not the best* my 9 month old is consistently screaming, it’s even worse when we’re out in public like a restaurant, but its seriously loud. I know it’s developmental and out of excitement but how should I react…


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