Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Does anyone regret giving their baby the 12 month jab? I've heard lots of stories of bad side effects lasting ages and seriously considering not letting my little one have it
Is everyone giving their LOs cows milk or still giving formula? Or both? Our pediatrician told us to give her cows milk when she turned one. Just curious bc I see other babies still drinking a bottle.
So…. When you are left behind your curtain and you have your baby in your arms on the recovery ward… I’ve started thinking about then my baby will cry and I’ll be feeding baby. What happens if baby won’t take my boob? Or latch? What did everyone else do? I have packed spare pre made milk for emergencies but I want...
when did you know your child was ready for a toddler bed? my daughter is 20 months old and i’m thinking of buying one. any tips on how to make that transition?
Whats the best brand for baby bathing? Also, no cologne until when?
So I’m always seeing how people are always saying they have childhood trauma because of their parents and it’s like do yall ever stop and think about how difficult it is to raise a kid,let alone multiple children!? Kids will really test your patience and drive you insane and you’re mad because your parents are human...
I've been expressed breastfeeding for 7 months and not yet had my period, is this normal? When is it likely to return?
Sorry in advance this is a long one, but I’m sure others can relate and ANY advice is appreciated ⭐️🤍🥺💕 Since born, my 8 month old has been a really good sleeper throughout the night. For the past month, she has been wakening up continuously through the night SCREAMING crying. When I go through to comfort her…
Hello, had a chocolate mousse (ASDA CHOCOLATE MOUSSE) and did not know it contained alcohol. I ebf my baby and just breastfed her twice since eating that😭. I think I fed her 30-40 mins after having it, is that okay? never had alochol before
Hello mamas, I was away in another country for about 5 months of my Mat leave and baby didn’t need a car seat there but now that I’m back baby is no longer used to the car seat and screams bloody murder and will not stop crying whatever I do. I’m literally out of ideas on what I can do to help him to start liking ca...
My son was born Jan 24 and I chose not to breastfeed due to csection. I always regretted my decision especially when he got ill. I am pregnant again and due Jan 25. I will be breastfeeding my 2nd. Is it weird to start breastfeeding My 1st too as he will okay be 12 month??
In need of knowing I’m not going through the worst regression there is 😅🤪😭😂 Are you dealing with this shit show too?! 😂
Hi! I have a 8 day old newborn and am being badgered quite a bit about attending family christmas events (i.e. lots of people in someone's living room etc) and I'm feeling a little nervous about it. Is it okay to have a baby go to these kind of things if he hasn't had his jabs yet? Not sure what the protocol is arou...
How often do you all sterilise toys? I feel as though I’m not sterilising half as much as I should be
Would you take Ambien (5 mg) if prescribed during your third trimester if you had severe insomnia?
Having my second baby by elective section soon. I had my son vaginally 3 years ago. Although it was traumatic, I felt absolutely high on life from the endorphins, oxytocin etc from around 4 hours post birth and continued to feel amazing for several weeks. It was such a lovely bubble for us all. I’m curious for those...
How do you stop yourself stressing when baby is crying. I work myself up so much and start panicking to find something to stop him crying as quickly as possible. Is this a normal motherly response or am I being over the top?
My LB is almost 8 months, EBF and I’m going back to work 3 days per week in May when he turns 1. I’d love to continue him having breast milk rather than weaning him onto cows milk altogether, so basically I want to send him to nursery with a bottle of breast milk. Has anyone got experience of this? How many bottles ...
My baby is almost 8 weeks and I'm noticing some hair loss. I heard it was normal but whats kind of weird is that it seems to be right at the crown of her head. Do you think its from wearing headbands? Theres a distinct line in the loss of hair. She doesn't wear headbands all the time, just maybe for a few hours a co...
Is anyone else’s two and a half year olds refusing naps? It’s been a struggle for a few weeks now and it’s a battle I don’t think I can keep fighting. My 2.5 yr old just refuses to lay down she will throw the biggest tantrum or start laughing and playing like it’s a game. Yesterday she threw such a big tantrum bc I ...