Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
I'm trying to support myself so I can leave my husband.. I'm currently a sahm and currently I can't work a normal job due to lack of childcare. I'm trying to find a job I can work from home but I don't have any work history (none that would matter anyways) and don't have my diploma or GED... I'm really stuck in my s...
Hi All, Might be far fetched but hoping someone might advise of something. I'm based in SW and work as an administrator. I'm trying to look into potentially working from home roles. I don't know if anyone can advise of places to try or jobsites where I can find roles like that?
Hi! My little girl is now 6 months old, I will be working from home from 9 months with her. Does anyone have any experience as how to work from home but still be a present mum and also keep little one stimulated? I'm hoping to set up activities she can run through for set times to keep her development up, stim...
Hi all I am due to return to work at the end of February. I am about to apply for tax free childcare but it says to do it 31 days before I return, does anyone know if this means working days or weekends? I am not sure when to apply. Thank you
When did everybody tell their boss? When I go back to work i’ll be 7wks 1 day. Is it too soon? I work in SEN environment & I think i’ll need to be risk assessed??
Ladies I’m just wondering, I don’t work and can’t go back because of the cost so it’s only my partner but I was wondering if anyone is working from home with certain companies that work around your little one just looking to make some sort of income myself Please help 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Those that allow tv on in the background during the day what on earth do you leave running
Hi ladies, I wanted to reach out here to see whether there were any mums that have been told they have Strep B during their pregnancy but still went ahead with a home birth, any tips, advice, information would be super helpful and id be so grateful 🙏
So I work 40 hours a week, but the money just isn’t coming in. I’m so over struggling. Anyone in this group have a side hustle or ways to make an extra income?
I’m self employed but not working as I’ve got a 6 month old and also a 3 year old. I’m on Maternity Allowance but that’ll finish in a few months. My 3 year old will start her 30 hours from January. So while I’m receiving Maternity Allowance; it’s all fine. My parents are both on disability, and are in need of a car...
Dad works 9-6 and I’m on maternity leave. I’m scared I have to do days and nights and cook and clean? I exclusively breast feed. What’s your schedule any ideas??
Anyone returning to work after 5 or 6 months? Thoughts on this?
Hello, wondering if you have any workplace adjustments in pregnancy e.g working from home, more breaks, earlier finish (fatigue) or not seeing any patients with a high fever/ risk of airborne infection/communicable disease?
So I recently created a poll to see how many of us in this group are actually moms working from home with a baby. I’m sad to see that it’s not the majority. However, if that is you and you would like an actual support group for those of us who are doing this in real time(no offense to anyone else) maybe we can conne...
I work on a chemotherapy unit. I am wondering if there are any other nurse/chemo nurses who know anything about which treatments are safe/unsafe to handle? Have emailed head nurse in work but no response yet
Push back against big business Look at the credit union model for ideas
Hi, has anyone gone back to work yet or is planning to within the next couple months? I got my first half pay salary last week and wow, the drop is just a lot. My husband works so we have his financial support but due to finances I reckon I’ll be going back to work in February, which is really bittersweet & I have m...
Hello, does anyone have a little one and work nights?! I’ve been looking at applying for a new job because since I came back from Mat leave I feel like my team have just forgotten about me/ discount me all the time and I feel really undervalued and miserable to be honest. The job I’m looking at would be more fulfi...
My job is very physical and so I can’t work right now, and won’t be able to for a couple months while the baby is little, I also have a toddler and we can’t afford daycare and have no family around to watch the kids. We NEED money. I’m struggling so much and literally can’t afford our rent, food, etc. we used to hav...
I’m travelling to Budapest in Jan and I will be just under 28 weeks when we return - online it says the fit to fly form is only needed if you’re over 28 weeks, so would I just prove I’m under 28 weeks with my maternity notes?