Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Does anyone know any ways of earning extra cash while on maternity leave leave ?
I had my 3rd baby at the start of the year and going back to work at the weekends unfortunately that’s all I can do. And my hours are limited due to the job. But what do you mammas do to get some extra money in. Lets be honest with Christmas just round the corner I want to be able to provide a lovely Christmas
Hello all, I’m planning to travel in two weeks time at 29 weeks for a week. It’ll be a 2 hour flight each turn. So far I’m doing well, blood pressure seems to be good, I’ve not received my results yet if I have gestational diabetes (they said if no one calls, that’s a good sign). I heard from week 28 airlines req...
Hi everyone, I’m really confused. I’ve just received a letter about my maternity allowance and how much I’ll be paid. It says I’ll receive £736.12 every 4 weeks as my regular payment. But it doesn’t say when this starts. Above this it states I’ll receive my “first payment of £131 for the period from the 2nd Septembe...
As far as I am concerned, working as a freelance while on maternity allowance is not allowed. Has anyone had any experience with this and are happy to share how you coped.
Hello. Can someone explain to me please if you get centre link family support for example if someone is on unpaid maternity leave and one parent applies for family benefits and rental support do you have to initially pay this back to centre link? My partner claims he got benefits and because I went back to work now ...
Hey mamas how do y’all make money as a stay at home mom me and my bd just split and my baby is 2 months I ebf and have absolutely no one to watch her and no vehicle how can I make some money can’t do of my body has gone to shit can’t sell anything I have nothing to sell I’m gonna try to donate plasma but whenever I ...
Hi! My name is Mikayla. I have a 3 year who just started half day pre school. I currently work part time but want/ need a full time job but I’m having trouble finding a remote position that pays well/ decent and can accommodate mom life (aka having to leave briefly at 11am to take my daughter to school and pick her ...
Out of interest those who work part time (or full time & are looking to go part time) and have to actually travel to an office (no working from home available) - do you do like say 3 full days in the office or do you do 5 short days? I’m trying to think what I would prefer to do and what would suit us best but it’s ...
Any suggestions
Should I tell my boss we are planing another child and trying in 2 months? If so. When should I let her know? Also, I just got back from mat. leave 3 weeks ago. Hahaha What would you do?
Anyone working? I just got a dream job offer. My son is going to be 3 months on the 17th of Sept. would it be awful of me to forego being a sahm and go back to work part time? It would mean pumping and/or formula — which I’ve only done a couple of times so I have no clue — and trusting him to be cared for by others,...
So I’ve got a 5 months old baby and I desperately want to continue university, but I am so scared of leaving her with anyone. My family leaves abroad and my ex is out of the picture. Is there any uni in London that is flexible with attendance? Thanks x
Hi ladies, I’m looking for some help getting a remote job so I can stay home and be with my daughter because i am a single mom with no help from my baby’s father or family.
Hey ladies , do anyone know of wfh jobs that are hiring in Dallas texas ? Please share 🤗
Hi guys, I’m due to go back to work next week part time, and will be earning considerably less than before. Will also be paying for nursery which is a new expense! Just wondering how everyone splits their finances. I am a control freak and have been in charge of the bills for as long as I can remember, however th...
Question for all you VA mamas. I applied for FMLA leave before I had my baby in June and was denied for FMLA parental bonding (I work part time and missed the cut off by just a few hours) but was approved for six weeks maternity through PWFA/VA Human Rights Act. Here is my issue. I am a teacher and gave birth afte...
Are there any stay at home moms who just feel like they are going absolutely crazy because they also work from home and don’t really have socializing abilities Monday through Friday outside of the house? Such a busy schedule all the time.
So I’ve put up an Xbox for sale on Facebook market place got a genuine message asking if it was still available etc got to the lady asking for details so send over the money as she didn’t want to carry that amount of cash around. Then I got this email from her bank. Starting to think it all comes across as dodgy now...
Has anyone applied for/received the surestart maternity grant? If so how long did it take to recieve a letter of confirmation/payment? I know it says 6 weeks online but some people have said they’ve heard back within a week or so, so just wondering what everyone else has experienced with it? Thanks 💕