Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
What's everyone thinking about birth and where to have baby? I have my birth plan meeting tomorrow and have no clue what I want!! Anyone had a successful home birth for their first baby?
Born today via C-section, my Rue.
Hey ladies Currently pregnant with my second surrogate baby yay. I have 3 children of my own (vaginal deliveries). My first surro baby I had a c section. It’s been 4 years since that c section. From personal experience what of are odds of me being able to have a VBack? Thanks ladies
For those of you that have already given birth and got your babies in your arms 🥰 how did you feel before you went into labour? I know there are some signs to look out for; mucus plug/ show, waters breaking, contractions starting etc. but did you feel anything else? Emotions?
Has anyone given their babies with CMPA rusks? What was the outcome?
38+6..have had on an off, maybe 3times today very dull period like cramps in my uterus. Could be labour starting, could be the need to go toilet...who knows! I had such a different labour with my 1st! Period cramps at 4am, waters broke at 5am and contractions started at 6am! Had little man by 7pm the same day...feel...
Looking at TikTok at women packing towels… surely the hospital provide you with towels like they do when you are a patient? Or am I wrong?
Stupid question. I was thinking of taking these to the hospital in my bag for baby or something similar. Do you give baby them cold or do they warm them up?
Hello! Getting my cerclage removed on the March 10th at 36weeks and 4 days wondering if anyone has had this experience and how soon did you go into labor? If it helps I’m 1cm dilated and 88% effaced😅
This group has been so helpful for me as a first time mum with no friends who are also mothers. I came in 11pm 4th mountain time for cervix softener/induction as baby is measuring 99 percentile. I was 1cm 3 hours ago, waiting to get checked in a hour. Any advice on how long this process generally has taken? I’m so u...
Please no judgment here.. Im thinking of asking my midwife if I can be induced at 37 weeks as I'm just not coping well!! I've had episodes of reduce movements, spotting and a recent hospital admiton on due to baby being in distress as I had naurovirours! I can also barley walk due to pelvic pain!! Has anyone ask...
I have a c-section booked for next Thursday I have to go in Wednesday evening for pre-op assessment and to sign permission forms I currently have a fresh set of gel nails and I am also a contact lens wearer. I do have glasses but my prescription is very high and I prefer not to wear them also for convenience. Has an...
I heard alot from people that getting pregnant early can affect a baby somehow!! 🤔 I am asking for your advise guys, what should i do to avoid that 🤦🏽♀️i really dont know, am babying him alot 🥹now because obviously i have robbed his babyhood away form him quickly especially when the baby comes,but what else…
I'm 5 days post C section, second one but this time my overhang is alot. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on helping air the incision during the day? At night I feel like I can lie on my back now to help my overhang not be in the way. But during the day I'm a bit stuck on ideas to help. I am wearing big cot...
I have been admitted to hospital for pre-eclampsia and we had a discussion today about an elective c-section next week, at 37 weeks. I am anxious about recovery and so unsure what to expect. Has anyone else experienced this and opted for a C-section please?
5 weeks pp from an elective c section & I've really turned a corner the past week with my mobility and ability to do normal things!! Today I have woken up and underneath my scar and around my stomach just feels so sore, no where near what it was like but I can notice it & when I sit up off the sofa it's hurting. Has...
I’m going to my best friends tomorrow. She had her baby on the 3rd via c section, so please give me your ideas for a few presents I can get her to make her feel better
Is everyone waiting 6 weeks to drive or less? When I had my first section I waited 2 weeks but is that too soon?
Now days i cant sleep whole night, i feel like getting up in the middle of the night, got this habit id scrolling phone😒 which again breaks my sleep. Tomorrow i have my follow up doctor appointment. Last week i was 2cm dilated. I am not feeling any contractions as of now. Anyone due around the same time? How are…
Been told i can go full term naturally but if i go over by about 3 days they want to induce me or offer a c section. I’ve read up on c sections a lot but just wanting some induction stories - good or bad.