Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Would anyone mind sharing their experience of being plus sized and having an elective. My BMI is 48 currently and I’m a UK size 18 for reference. - Did the spinal go in? (I was told it’s very hard for higher BMIs and may need general anaesthetic?) - Did your baby need support with their lungs? - How was recovery? An...
My due date is 11/22, still no sign of labor. Any thoughts on things I can try to induce labor naturally. Don’t want to go pitocin route Anyone else in same bucket
How long will I be in hospital?
So I am booked in to have a c section in 2 days and I am so scared and nervous. I'm really squeamish and hate hospitals. Does anyone have any words of encouragement or tips to calm the nerves?
So anxious for my appointment today but I know i want to try for Vbac because if I don't then I think I'll regret it but on the other hand I'm terrified of going through the same labor for the same outcome as before. So today I've decided that up until my due date I will try for a VBAC but come 12th December if b...
Hi everyone I’m a FTM I had my baby girl on 11/7/2024. Labor was very traumatic. I labored for 29 painful hours, with a failed epidural,begged for another epidural and it worked the second time. Baby girl dilated me up to 9.5 cm then decided she didn’t want to come out so ultimately ended up with a c-section. The c-...
Got my c section date today, Xmas eve 😂. Fingers crossed I get out on Xmas day later in afternoon.
Does anyone still have a protruding stomach more the top half of stomach which protrudes outwards after their c section 17months ago? I sometimes also get stomach spasms if I do strenuous activity using my core or if I stretch too much. Any one else?
So I was trying to push my daughter out and my blood pressure shot up to 231 one I felt as if I was about pass out I was rushed into the OR I was literally in tears now I'm two weeks post recovery
The short version is I have been offered to have an elective c section due to the level of pain I am in with PGP, my mental health / PTSD in relation to previous health problems and experiences in hospital. I have been really struggling physically and mentally recently (38 weeks) and now beginning to have panic at...
I had a 6 day induction which ended in an emergency c section. I was such an anxious mess the last few days in hospital and have really struggled with the birth trauma and have a lot of anxiety. Getting better each day though 💜 I've always wanted 2 children, my 1st was this September. Because of my hospital…
I’m going in tomorrow for my C-section. My first one was so bad. I’m hoping the 2nd is easier. How was your 2nd one compared to your first one? Any positive stories that things were easier?
Had an appointment today and been deterred to have an elective section due to raised BMI. Was told they will struggle to put the spinal in and may need general anaesthetic. This was a junior doctor. I’m a UK 18. Can anyone share their experience of this? Thanks
39 +2 & still haven’t lost my mucus plug yet. Is it possible to go into labor without so?
I think I’m 3cm dilated as I had the balloon fitted but fell out withinn 3 hours on Monday I lost my mucas plug then sent me home Tuesday to wait for labor ward to ring I’ve started with really bad groin pain every step in the last hour Anyone else had groin pain just before active labor? :)
Would you guys like a story time about things I saw and experienced in the ER while I worked there? Disclaimer for the KARENS. It’s things I experienced, not people’s personal business
After having sudden onset preeclampsia I was induced Thursday the 14th and had my baby Saturday the 16th at 11:43pm. She's perfectly healthy 8lbs 9 oz and almost 22 inches long. We did not have a name picked out and didn't find out her sex until birth. We decided to name her Luna since it was a full moon. My blood p...
How long do I have to wait to have a bath after having c section?? Does anyone know? I’ve looked online and it’s says all different things?
When can you mastibate? I'm so over being pregnant 2 weeks since LO arrived
Pretty sure I’ve seen this post but can’t find it! What are people doing to self Induce/bring on/ help labour? And when are you starting these things?💗