Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Scar patches / tape in UK recommendations ?

Hi all - I am potentially going to get a C section and I’m prepping for recovery. I’ve read the frida mom knickers are the best and belly band. But what tape or patches would you recommend? I’ve seen some tape on Amazon ? And any other recommendations for recovery welcome!


Pre op and c sections

I have my pre op the Friday and was just wondering what happens and what they do as I’m having my c section in less than a week


Can touching the cervix start labor?

I had a membrane sweep (41 weeks) with my midwife today, but I'm not dilated enough for her to do it. Ever since I left, I've been leaking water, and now I'm wondering if even just touching the cervix can kickstart labor? Just looking for a bit of hope 😭


Requesting an elective c-section, UK...

Hey! This is my 3rd baby and I have my heart set on having an elective c-section. My mental health has been bad since 6 weeks pregnant and I'm already on citalopram. I also very bad sickness during labour. Plus i don't have much family close for childcare for a quick/ unplanned labour. I'm just so worried I'll go to...


Taking a towel to hospital ?

Do I need to take a towel to the hospital with me or do they have towels ? I’d rather not have to take another bag 😂



Why schedule and tell me I’m being induced on X day if it’s not gunna happen? I’m so annoyed🙃 I was told yesterday I was second on the list, and I know for damn sure our trauma 1 medical center has gotta have more than 1 doctor qualified to deliver a baby🙄 I understand that more urgent cases may have arose and…


Experience of ECV

I'm 36 weeks and baby is breech. I have been offered an ECV which I am not very keen on but it means taking a vaginal delivery off the table for me, which I am a bit sad about (unless baby decides to move spontaneously). If anyone's previously had one I'd be interested to hear about your experience!


Late notice elective section at Ipswich?

40+3 today with two sweeps so far, have another booked for Thursday and then if nothing the midwife said we can go for induction on at 41 weeks. Is it possible then on my Thursday appointment to opt for a planned c-section instead and does anyone know what the drawbacks of this would be? I might be jumping the gun b...


Csection york hosptial

Has anybody recently had a C-section at YDH? I’m going in for mine 29th Jan and just wondering how long you have to stay in, is it 24 hours or do you have to be in longer?


Experiences with balloon inductions please.

How uncomfortable was it? X


Elective c-section

Hi All - i’m now in a dilemma as i wanted to be prepared for giving birth and not have so much anxiety or uncertainty. But is it normal for doctors to scare you while letting you know about the risks of a c-section delivery? She was continuously looking at my husband instead of looking at me while explaining me the ...


Elective c section

I may be looking to have a elective c section if possible. Does anyone have any positives experiences and recovery with this while having a small toddler?


How long before intercourse to take Mucinex?

How long before baby dancing should I take Mucinex to help with my cervical mucus? I had an LH peak but I haven’t had a lot of ewcm this cycle, so hoping the Mucinex will help. I’ve heard people say to just take it 30mins before intercourse, while others take it days leading up to their fertile window. Should I take...


Should I be worried

TMI, 36 weeks pregnant. I’ve had thrush almost all through pregnancy, used vaginal tablets, creams but it keeps coming back. I have had heavy discharge since second trimester and I use panty liners to manage it. Does this discharge look normal or should I be worried. Worst that comes to mind is amniotic fluid with m...


Birth plan

I have always wanted a water birth and I know no birth is a walk in a park but I am really considering opting for a C-section but I’m worried people are going to think I’m letting them down or my body down. What’s everyone’s thoughts on C-sections and I know some of you couldn’t help but have a c-section due to comp...


Induction this Friday (cholestasis)

I’m getting induced at 37 weeks due to cholestasis. This is my second pregnancy, my water broke for my first. I’m extremely worried and nervous. Anyone experienced this?


Hospital bags - how much is too much?!

Hey, so I have packed a small gym bag and one of the really small cabin suitcases for hospital. Mostly because my hoody and towel takes up half the bag 🤦🏼‍♀️ Are two bags too much to take in? I’ve seen some people only take one small bag and I just don’t know how. Especially with adult size nappies that are just…


C section or Induction?

I am currently 40+1 and have been booked in for an induction for 41 weeks due to my health. However I have been thinking of having an elective c section instead of induction as I’ve heard such horror stories! I don’t know what to do and I’m just worried about an induction not working and having to be in hospital for...


2nd c section

My first c section was an emergency with My little one who is 2 years old now. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and haven’t yet 100% decided but think I am heading more towards an elective. Although my 1st was an emergency, my recovery was really positive. I had no pain, no problems after and now my scar ...


Croydon community midwives

Hello Croydon Mummies, did the midwives come out to you for your first appt post birth or did you have to go to them? Tia!


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