Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Has anyone already had a consultant appointment to discuss an elective C-section? What happened at the appointment, and how did the conversation go?
I am wondering how I can get baby to come naturally before then without doing anything too crazy. I’d like to avoid castor oil as I heard quite a few nightmare experiences with it. I have been pretty inactive throughout this pregnancy. So I’ve spent most days laying or sitting down. I was not dilated at all as...
My friend is due to have her 2nd baby soon. With her first, she began with a vaginal birth but ended up having an emergency c section as the baby's head was very big for the birth canal. So far scans have shown this baby looking quite big too and she is due to have a final growth scan. She is unsure whether to go a...
I’m kinda worried cause I lost my mucus plug today, is this normal?
Anyone else being told they’ll either be induced or have a section by 37/38 weeks - when did you discuss booking your section in & when did you get a date for it?
Is it strange to try plan the month of your baby to be born? I did quite like November, cosy inside with a newborn and you don’t go out a lot in winter anyway! Would you have another October/November baby or hoping to have a different month?
For moms who went through forceps delivery, how is your recovery?
This is how far apart my contractions are.. someone explain to me what it means
I am 7 weeks PP. Also interested in any online or London / Essex based PTS that specialise in Post Partum weight loss.
Hi everyone, I’m due to give birth at RDH next month and just wanted to get an idea of what people thought of the labour ward? I’m consultant-led so won’t be in the midwife-led birth centre unfortunately, but really want to feel as prepared of the environment I’ll be giving birth in as I can! Also any tips on mak...
Does anyone know how to get hospital notes i had my little boy in a birthing suite and was never told what time he was born and i really want to know
My ‘back’ waters broke at 2.30pm yesterday, started having contractions around 6pm and went into triage and they confirmed it all. Had a VE and was 1-2cm dilated. Got advised to go home and use paracetamol and to return 2.30pm today for further induction if things haven’t progressed. Ended up back in triage around 5...
I’ve just had my second baby over a month ago, and second c section. Nearly 2.5 years after my first was born. Op went really well, I lost about 715ml of blood which didn’t require any extra blood, but was a lot for my size apparently. I was told I had a lot more scar tissue then expected after only one planned c ...
Idk if I’m going into labor or not.. I’m trying to sleep through them but I can’t. Been having these pains for over 2hrs.
Did anyone have their house cleaned by professionals prior to babies arrival? If so how many days/weeks before your due date was it booked for.
Has anybody opted to have an elective c section? If so how did you go about asking for one? I’m 31 weeks and have been thinking a lot about it, I’m already under a consultant due to other reasons so not sure if I would ask my consultant or my midwife?
I’m 40 weeks and 5 days today. Just getting a little nervous … her due date was March 1st and now it’s alrdy March 6th. Is that normal for a first time mom? They scheduled to Induce me Tuesday march 11th I would be 41 weeks and 3 days. I just hope she comes before then🙏. I read negative things with the induction…
So at 2:08 am I went to the restroom and I believe I lost my plug. Called the maternity unit and the nurse told me to do kick counts and monitor for contractions and if my water breaks. I'm currently 39 weeks and 6 days and I'm one day from my due date. I'm thinking maybe baby boy will come either today or tomorrow ...
My little girl decided she didn’t want to wait for induction, was supposed to be induced on the 7th and decided to make her appearance at 4.03 this morning 7lb exactly
I had my 38 weeks doctor appointement today and i had a cervical check done. Not what i expected AT ALL! The discomfort was unreal... anyways my doctor told me i was 50% effaced but close to 0 dilated... she told me that she doesnt recommend me going past 40 weeks so shes putting me on the induced list. Has anyone h...