Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
The short version is I have been offered to have an elective c section due to the level of pain I am in with PGP, my mental health / PTSD in relation to previous health problems and experiences in hospital. I have been really struggling physically and mentally recently (38 weeks) and now beginning to have panic at...
I had a 6 day induction which ended in an emergency c section. I was such an anxious mess the last few days in hospital and have really struggled with the birth trauma and have a lot of anxiety. Getting better each day though 💜 I've always wanted 2 children, my 1st was this September. Because of my hospital…
I’m going in tomorrow for my C-section. My first one was so bad. I’m hoping the 2nd is easier. How was your 2nd one compared to your first one? Any positive stories that things were easier?
Had an appointment today and been deterred to have an elective section due to raised BMI. Was told they will struggle to put the spinal in and may need general anaesthetic. This was a junior doctor. I’m a UK 18. Can anyone share their experience of this? Thanks
39 +2 & still haven’t lost my mucus plug yet. Is it possible to go into labor without so?
I think I’m 3cm dilated as I had the balloon fitted but fell out withinn 3 hours on Monday I lost my mucas plug then sent me home Tuesday to wait for labor ward to ring I’ve started with really bad groin pain every step in the last hour Anyone else had groin pain just before active labor? :)
Would you guys like a story time about things I saw and experienced in the ER while I worked there? Disclaimer for the KARENS. It’s things I experienced, not people’s personal business
After having sudden onset preeclampsia I was induced Thursday the 14th and had my baby Saturday the 16th at 11:43pm. She's perfectly healthy 8lbs 9 oz and almost 22 inches long. We did not have a name picked out and didn't find out her sex until birth. We decided to name her Luna since it was a full moon. My blood p...
How long do I have to wait to have a bath after having c section?? Does anyone know? I’ve looked online and it’s says all different things?
When can you mastibate? I'm so over being pregnant 2 weeks since LO arrived
Pretty sure I’ve seen this post but can’t find it! What are people doing to self Induce/bring on/ help labour? And when are you starting these things?💗
Is it normal for baby to go from 50th to 70th centile in 4 weeks?
Is anyone else experiencing varying discharge at the moment? I'm 22 weeks and getting a bit more discharge at the moment, sometimes it varies in colour but I've been tested for any infections and everything is all clear 🤷🏻♀️
Hi girls, this is specifically for anyone else that had a keloid scar as a result of their c-section, I’m debating a second csection vs vbac and one of the many things to throw into the decision is whether having a second csection could actually cut away and not leave me with a keloid next time? It’s still itchy and...
Hi, so I am 20 weeks post c-section tomorrow and I’m having stomach issues. Ever since the c-section I just cannot keep food in for longer than 30-60 minutes. I literally have to stop what I’m doing and run to the toilet. I thought it was just to do with everything being moved around inside and would settle down but...
I’m having a planned c section with my baby girl due in January. I’ve heard so many amazing things about cramlington and tempted to change from going to the rvi. Is it right that everyone gets their own room and partners are allowed to stay? This wasn’t the case at the rvi and partner had to go home after my son. In...
Has anyone experienced an anal fissure after c section? And had success at healing it? How long did it take. Been given proctcyl ointment . Xxx
Hi all, just wanted some advice. I know that midwife/doctors are very against planned c sections and will convince you to go for the natural birth option and because of this they don’t book you in until much later! I have a consultant telephone appointment soon where apparently they go through risks with me etc. Is...
Is it rude to tell someone “I am really sorry but me and my partner have decided that we are limiting the amount of people who can hold the baby after he is born” Please explain in the comments x
So I told my doc I took castor oil do y'all think he will end up trying to induce me bc I took it 37 week