Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I’m getting induced at 37 weeks due to cholestasis. This is my second pregnancy, my water broke for my first. I’m extremely worried and nervous. Anyone experienced this?
Hey, so I have packed a small gym bag and one of the really small cabin suitcases for hospital. Mostly because my hoody and towel takes up half the bag 🤦🏼♀️ Are two bags too much to take in? I’ve seen some people only take one small bag and I just don’t know how. Especially with adult size nappies that are just…
I am currently 40+1 and have been booked in for an induction for 41 weeks due to my health. However I have been thinking of having an elective c section instead of induction as I’ve heard such horror stories! I don’t know what to do and I’m just worried about an induction not working and having to be in hospital for...
My first c section was an emergency with My little one who is 2 years old now. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and haven’t yet 100% decided but think I am heading more towards an elective. Although my 1st was an emergency, my recovery was really positive. I had no pain, no problems after and now my scar ...
Hello Croydon Mummies, did the midwives come out to you for your first appt post birth or did you have to go to them? Tia!
Hi all, I am 37 weeks with my second child. I had a wonderful natural birth with my first, but my second is breech so I’ve been advised to have a planned c-section. I actually feel quite anxious about major surgery and have hardly done any reading on c-sections as I stupidly thought my second pregnancy would e...
With my next C-section coming up, my doctor has presented me with the option of having my tubes tied. Those of you that had it done while having a c section, how was the experience and the healing?
I’m 1cm dilated. What exercises and or foods did you lovely ladies use that may have thinned your cervix or even pushed you into labor?
How long after having a c section can I expect my period?
Went into maternity today for what felt like contractions! They did monitoring which confirmed contractions and a cervical check and told me I’m 1-2cm dilated and 75% effaced. Has anyone else had this alongside contractions?? And how long roughly did it take for baby to come??🤭
I am due to give birth at St George’s hospital in tooting. I am just wondering if it is possible to pay for a private room at this hospital? Has anyone done that before?
Hi, So I had emergency c section 2 years ago and was put to sleep for it. This was quite scary for both husband and I. I'm now pregnant again. I could try for natural birth. But neither me or husband want to try. We have so many scars from the emergency c section. We are both pretty scared, happy,but scared that ...
Hey! There are a few different contraction timers. Does anyone recommend a specific one? And what’s the difference between them all? Most you need to pay so I want to buy one that’s most recommended.
Hey! I’m a first time mum planning to give birth at Basildon Hospital but I’m seeing negative stories/articles… has anyone had a positive birth experience there?
Is anyone else still breech or had any experience of ECV I’m currently 36+4 baby has always been breech, booked in for a c section in 3 weeks time and offered an ECV for next week…however not sure I want this they told me to book it and I can decide on the day of. Was dead against it but the consultant was lovely a...
I’ve been really looking forward to going into labour naturally and having a VBAC birth. So today we went to the birth centre for a first sweep at 41+2 days but it led to bleeding. Being a bit cautious the midwife sent us to triage where they did a speculum examination and found there was bleeding but they seem to n...
Hi ladies when did y’all start packing your hospital bag? I’m 27weeks now and still haven’t got anything ready. Also what are the main requirements to pack please? Any help would be much appreciated thank you
40+2 today with two sweeps so far, have another booked for Thursday and then if nothing the midwife said we can go for induction on at 41 weeks. Is it possible then on my Thursday appointment to opt for a planned c-section instead and does anyone know what the drawbacks of this would be? Really don’t want to be indu...
Midwife tried a sweep today said baby’s head was very low and my cervix was behind it so she couldn’t reach as it was too painful and I asked her to stop. She did say it was lowish and the edge felt soft she just couldn’t get close enough to feel if I was dilated without pulling it forwards a bit 🤢 It’s been 4…
I've had my hospital bags packed for weeks now but it's looking very likely that I'll end up being induced on Thursday as little man's made himself a little too comfy in there. Originally I'd packed enough for both of us for 2 days but I could potentially be in there for a couple of days before he even arrives, mayb...