Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


Has anyone noticed movements changing from 35+? I’ve been seen in triage and also had a scan today and baby is doing amazing in there but when he is moving it’s not as strong as when I was in the early 30 weeks stage



What does it mean when I’m heavy bleeding while pregnant. I just turnt 33wks today and I’m getting really worried 😟 what should I do


12 weeks

Anyone 12 weeks and still nauseous as hell? I'm still vomiting here and there too.


Pelvic pain

I’m only 35+4 but the pain!!! I’m struggling so much to even do the little things as in walk or get up the stairs and sitting down is this normal?


30 weeks and my boobs are really leaking!!

I know we can't start collecting collutrum till 37 weeks but if it's leaking out without me doing anything should I be catching it?? Should I be concerned??


Struggling 😭

Wanting to clean and get everything sorted now but my energy levels and mood just doesn't match up 😭😭 I've spent the morning crying because the house is a mess, i have 8 weeks to go till my c section booking, I have a 19 month old to chase after 😭 How am I actually meant to get it all ready to go and manage it?


Worried about labour pain

I am 24 weeks pregnant and due by mid of april. Highly worried about labour pain and how I am going to handle this !! I really wish to go with vaginal delivery I am working at retail store and keep myself active at home as well washing drying cooking everything. What else should I do for smooth journey ? 🤔


Lightning crotch and braxton hicks

Hi!! I'm 32+4 weeks and have been having multiple times a day braxton hicks since 29 weeks. They aren't painful but quite uncomfortable, especially if I am walking. Also, having lightning crotch 3-4times a day every few days and omg how painful are they! I literally jolt in pain every time! I never had this with my ...


Extreme extreme pressure

Anyone else feeling like this? Hurts to walk feels like my baby is going to fall out any second. My vagina just feels swollen and sore all over. 40 weeks today


I still look pregnant 3 weeks PP..

Is anyone else’s bump taking ages to go down? I’ve lost so much water weight since having baby and slimmed down everywhere except my belly! I have no expectations or desire to “bounce back” and I don’t expect to look like my old self, but I still look 5 months pregnant and I thought I would be a little flatter at th...


Anxiety with 2nd pregnancy

Has anyone else suffered with anxiety, especially at night, through their 2nd pregnancy? If so, any tips to get a better night sleep without waking every few hours with insomnia / anxiety?


Pelvic pain and hip pain.

I’m 35 weeks today and over the last 24 hours I’ve noticed the onset of some stiffness in my pelvis and hips. Now it’s full blown pain. I can barely walk, and it feels almost as though I maybe either slept on it wrong, or pulled a muscle everywhere. I feel the most pain in the front of my pelvic region. Tried a warm...


Anyone's LOs fussy/whingy?

He's just moaned all day, not even crying just whinging 🥲 can't even breathe without him fussing 😂


Baby Moving

Does anyone else's baby move a lot? I swear since he started his big movements he moves all the time. Most of his moves are big ones too. I actually kinda love feeling him it's one of my fave things about being pregnant and luckily have not had him hit my ribs yet 🤣.


10 weeks and 5 days

Has anybody symptoms went away?


Back pain

Hi, I am experiencing bad back aches and really struggling to sleep with the discomfort. I am 17 weeks and I didn’t think this would start until later on in pregnancy. I’ve tried pregnancy pillows but they just don’t seem to help. Does anyone have any more suggestion please?


When did you feel your first kick?

Hii!! St which week did you feel your babies first kick? How was that feeling? :)


Reduced movements

I’m 35 weeks pregnant. I’ve had reduce movements the pattern of my baby has changed the baby doesn’t move as much and I don’t feel them kick it’s more of the baby moving around. One doctor said to me it could be because of my pattern changing. I had a midwife appointment today and they referred me to MAC were baby...


8 week old leg shaking

My 8 week old has leg spasms is this normal ??


Blocked tear duct

My baby is 10 weeks old and since yesterday one of her eyes are watery and has yellow discharge. Gp said as long as its not red or swollen its just blocked tear duct but Im a little worried! Doesn’t look great!! Anyone else experienced this?


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