Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.


Does anyone have any good advice or resources for weaning?? I’m so confused by it all! If anyone has any answers to the below that would be great: Does it matter which meal time i start with? Do i build up one meal to multiple ingredients before going onto the next? So wait until breakfast is a bigger meal with ...


Weaning struggle

Hey! My little one is nearly 9 months and not enjoying weaning at all. He doesn’t take the spoon, pouches, BLW and ends up crying. He currently has 5 bottles per day (4 x 90ml - 150ml) and 1 8 x oz before bed (combi fed). We also eat at the table for dinner with him so he watches us eat. I’ve tried giving him soli...


Potty training question

I don't think my little boy is ready for potty training so I don't intend to start for a few months yet. But my question was, does your toddler poop "logs"?? Because mine doesn't and surely that would make going to the potty more tricky/messy? When should their poop be more log style? Sorry for the super gross quest...


Where do we start?

My oldest daughter is almost 4 and my son is 15 months old. Since our first child was born my husband and I have not had a date or any sort of alone time. We have no family or anyone around and our kids have only been watched after by either one of us. Our relationship is suffering, badly. So we know we need to ...



I'm having problems with my 16 month old, since he started solids I've been trying to give him different meats different textures but he just won't eat it. Anyone else had this problem or any advice


Experiences of toddlers on flights

Hello! Please could you share any tips or tricks you used to get through airport queues / a 2 hour flight? 🤭 Also if anyone has any recommendations of strollers which fit into hand luggage I’d really appreciate them! I’ve got no idea how I’ll manage to keep our 2.5 yo still during security lines if we don’t have a…


Ballet classes with toddler

I take my almost 2 year old to ballet classes & have done for the past 5 months. She still doesn’t seem to enjoy it, she doesn’t really participate (despite doing tiptoes & twirls constantly at home). She throws tantrums tries to run out of the door, she’s not the youngest either as when she started she was I though...


Meal prep for this week

Lemon & blueberry donuts, apple and pear sausage tots and sausage rolls, donuts with sprinkles & homemade trail mix for toddler. Plus tuna mayo and boiled eggs.


Can't give my daughter the attention that she wants..

During the week my daughter goes to nursery twice a week, goes to my in laws twice a week, is home with me and then me and her dad on the weekend. I'm also 34W pregnant and I'm just absolutely exhausted. The issue is when she's home with me it's just a full day of crying and tantrums. I just feel like I can't do e...



How long after bottom two teeth don’t ones appear?


Difficult eating phase

My toddler has hit the stage where all she wants to do is eat yogurt, cheese string, ice lollies and sometimes strawberries. Meal times are getting difficult She’ll eat occasionally toast, noodles and chicken but where’s the nutrition. It’s not filling her up as she’s demanding yogurt after yogurt. Come bedtime I ...


3 month old

Hi 👋 my 3 month old this past week has started sucking his hand is this a sign of teething?


Does anyone else still have to keep baby upright after feeding solids?

It's not as bad after milk or dinner but after breakfast I have to keep her in her chair for about half an hour and then hold her for a while because she throws up if she goes on her tummy


Nursery fees

Hi all, FTM due in April and I'm wondering what nursery fees are like locally. I will be going back to work next year but need to weigh up what hours will be best. Would anyone mind sharing how much they pay monthly and for what hours?


How often do your babies and toddlers get sick in nursery?

We are 2 weeks in with 10 month old who keeps getting sick and missing nursery days. Can mamas shed light on what to expect for how many days in the year (assuming full time nursery) that they wouldn’t be able to go in? My partner and i can’t work from home so now thinking if we need a permanent babysitter/nanny op...


Need advice

Heya ladies so I have a 1 year old and he only has 2 teeth , it's hard to give him some foods because he can't chew them .... any advice what I could give him


Am I selfish for getting annoyed

My little one is 3 months and is bottle fed and I also have a 3 year old. So far I have done every single night feed since my baby was born and I find myself getting up with him between 4/5 o’clock most mornings to prevent him waking up his brother. My husband works full time, so I understand him wanting to sleep b...


Nursery/Childminder questions?

Hi, looking for some advice if anyone has any ideas. I quit my old job once my mat leave ended, it was a toxic work environment and if I couldn’t handle it before, I knew I wouldn’t be able to once I had a baby. I am now looking for a new job but have no one to look after little one who’s just turned one at all, I ...


Toddler boy toys

What toys are everyone’s 18 month old boys loving? Need help on what to buy next as he’s bored of everything he’s got!


Slap cheek..

just looking for some advice! I work in a school and there is a child with slap cheek in my class. My headteacher has asked if I wanted to move year groups but I’m just wondering if I had a good chance of immunity due to working in a school for 4 years? Or shall I move to be safe. any teachers or TAs experienced t...


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