Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
My little boy is in nursery has been now 6 months he is 2.5 year old & I’m thinking of taking him to zoo with me, his little brother and his dad for his 3rd birthday in June and then after that I was thinking maybe hiring a local hall with a bouncy castle etc. for context(he is suspected autistic, non verbal I don’t...
Include face towels, hand towels, bath towels, bath sheets …
To preface: I work 32 hours a week to be able to barely support my 6 month old and my household. My sister and her family take care of my son on Saturdays while I work. Today, my sister took my son to the playground and got him on the swing. It was his first time ever on the swing and I started crying when she sent...
I’m burnt out from my full time job…. I’m not my best self and I need a break for my mental health….I have 2 kids that I can never seem to find the energy for. These little couple days PTO here and there aren’t cutting it anymore. I need a lengthy break but obviously I also need money. I have some savings and I was ...
I feel like an awful mother..I love my kids beyond words and would literally kill for them. But I get SO angry.. I shout way too much but no one seems to listen otherwise. I don’t know if patience is so low that I can’t help but snap but also allll day it just doesn’t stop, always having to tell someone to stop doin...
So my 2yo daughter started daycare last week. 730-4 and it’s only been 2 days. And she is now having screaming tantrums for everything even little things. She has been home with me her whole 2 yrs And is extremely smart and well behaved. She now will scream for 30 secs straight if I say anything disciplinary like...
So I’m booked in for my C- section on 27th June and my partner already had tickets for a gig on 28th after I told him I will be having c section on 27th he was like okay I’ll sell my tickets but I could tell he wasn’t exactly happy about it but then my mum said he should go and she’ll come take care of me whilst he’...
My son will be two in May and I'm due in June with twins. My son isn't talking which is something we are working on, but he SCREAMS when he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it. Then I have to try 52 million things to get him to stop. Today he screamed at me off and on for at least 30 minutes, I thought it was...
My son started nursery in January (6 weeks ago) and his behaviour has changed soo much :(. He was always a kind, sweet,polite happy lovely boy but since he started all I get is constant ,”no!” To everything , running out the room when I ask him to do something even simple like getting dressed , he’s stopped listenin...
Hi moms, My fiancé and I have been together for almost 4 years. He has a bio daughter (9) and I have a bio daughter (11). He almost immediately made me a step mom early on in our relationship (that should’ve been a red flag to me) I just say this whole blended family thing has been very stressful and caused me a lo...
I don't know if I'm setting my LO up to fail 😩 been in my head so much about this recently. She goes to nursery during the week but the routine is pretty much exactly the same day in and day out. We don't have any family round us and I have one day off a week so I try and meet up with her baby friend or go for a…
I’ve been struggling in my relationship for a while now. My son’s dad is gone to video games. He wasn’t this way when we met or when I got pregnant so I had no idea what he would transpire into as time went on. So now here I am with my son who’s almost 3 years old. His dad is addicted to video games he plays for 10-...
I’ve always had good intuition but I never like listening to it but my hormones have been making it really hard to hold anything back I got upset with my man recently because he was flirting and gaming with this only fans chick talking to her for hours and I had gut feelings about this same girl before so I blocked ...
So when my mom was pregnant with me, she said my powers coursed through her making her intuition stronger than it’s ever been being able to guess how much money my dad spent on a new jacket to the cent. Being able to look through her boyfriend‘s phone full of random girls numbers and pick one then to call and tell h...
Do you find it hard to organise your days ? Personally I try to stay on point and keep track of good and healthy habits but sometimes it gets chaotic and I just need to refresh… and that’s okay I mean superwomen need breaks too 😅 I find that having a routine can help, it needs consistency and time. What do you…
So, I’m a nurse. I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit but all last week, I took care of a patient in their 50s that needs a new liver. We had been fighting to transfer him to a larger hospital base that has the equipment and staff to provide the care he desperately needs. And guess what…. He was turned away from most ...
My husband has our 3 month old baby boy while I am at work today. I guess they took a nap on the couch and my husband woke up to my baby falling off the couch. He said he has the tiniest little red bump on his forehead, he had a whole bottle and burped right after and he’s not acting any different. He said he shined...
Okay so my partner isn't good with money, he makes little purchases here and there often and I've tried explaining to him that £3 here and £2 there adds up and we need to be more Careful with our money. Today we were in town and my partner saw a £1 mixing bowl for baking. He said he wanted to buy it because our son ...
I need a buddy to do YouTube with. I'm going to be making content that's controversial and I'd like to get feedback before I post it. Is anyone else on YouTube? Maybe we can bounce ideas off each other and learn together?
Starting to feel very defeated. I’m 38+3 but due for induction at 39 weeks. I had a sweep yesterday and the midwife sounded positive, sweep went well, she could feel his head, I’m 1-2cm dilated, all positive. I lost my plug this morning but nothing. No cramps, no back pain, no anything. I know not all sweeps work bu...