Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.


Anybody else experiencing weird thoughts whilst breast feeding? I did with the first too and ended up stopping! I am pushing through with my second baby but my brain activity is weird whilst breast feeding. Anyone else experiencing weird things? (I’ve told the midwife, health visitor and they said it’s normal!)


Breastfeeding gets easier! 🤍

For those who formula feed, no judgement whatsoever -- this is just a post aimed at those who want to breastfeed. I promise that even if it feels hard at first with baby feeding a lot, any discomfort as boobs/nipples adjust etc., it does get a *hell* of a lot easier if you persevere and seek support from local BF gr...


Did breastfeeding change after teeth?

My nipples are getting that “white nuckle” feeling pinched and sore.


Issues with bottle

My baby is 3 and half month. I mainly breastfeed but she also used to take the bottle happily. Suddenly she is refusing to take the bottle.. anyone experienced this? Any tips?


Breast pump recommendations

Recommendations on a hands free breast pump please. I’m currently using a manual pump because the electric pump I have didn’t work very well and I feel like there wasn’t enough suction. I’m not getting much milk when I pump at the moment so I don’t want to spend stupid amounts of money when it might not work😢


Has anyone got their period back? I’m ebf, baby 10 weeks old and I feel like I have menstrual cramps.

What were the signs of yours has returned? Is it possible for it to come if I’m just breastfeeding?


EBF refusing the boob HELP!!!!

Since this morning my baby keeps refusing the boob, he either latches and then immediately pulls off crying, or just won’t take it at all! I don’t know what’s wrong with him 😭😭😭


Frustrated at the breast

I’ve been BF for 4 weeks straight and she’s has been fine on it. All of a sudden I’ve noticed she will start fine, then around 5/10 mins in, she becomes very frustrated. She will still have the breast in the mouth but will start crying/straining/clawing at my breast. I take her off (sometimes she comes off by hersel...


Time between feeds - EBF only

For those EBF (this doesn’t include bottle fed babies/pumping mums) but ONLY mums who exclusively have their babies on their boobs: What’s your average time between feeds? We are averaging 2 hours now. Previously it was only one hour. Do any mums actually have the 3 hour space between feeds as EBF?


Confused with breastfeeding

Baby is 4 weeks. Ive had a very difficult time since the birth. I had to have an emergency c section under GA which was traumatic enough, but then got a very serious infection and went to hospital on Christmas Day and was told my tissue was necrotic so I’ve since had 3 surgeries to remove quite a bit of my lower abd...


milk after birth

anxious that my milk won’t come in once little bub arrives. should i buy some of those mini pre-made bottles and take them to the hospital just incase?


Feeding schedules

Does your baby have milk as soon as they wake up in the morning?


Giving up breastfeeding 3 weeks old

Feel like such a failure and I know I am going to really miss it but I just think it’s best for our family & my baby. We gave a bottle of formula last night and got 4 hrs sleep!


*vent* feeling like I can't do right

As stated, I just need to vent. My LO is 9 weeks tomorrow, and we had a tough night. She was crying non-stop for almost two hours and seemed in so much pain, so we ended up at the hospital. She’s been struggling with reflux, and her GP prescribed a milk thickener, but I thought the acid was causing the pain (as th...


Any breast feeding mamas?

My supply has decreased over the last few days and my period started today. What does this mean, am I going to dry up completely. My baby is combi fed and I express but recently it become alot more painful (in the breast not the nipples) to pump. Is this what happens when your period return? And has the milk dried u...


Milk supply!

I struggled with making enough milk for my daughter & I’m having a little boy in June. I was curious if anyone has ever had better milk supply with the second baby or if it usually is consistent with how much you got with your first?


How do I get my breast milk supply up

I’m breastfeeding and pumping but I have no idea how much baby is getting. Sometimes when I pump I get a large supply but other times I get a small batch. How do I consistently keep my supply high?


Has anyone gone cold turkey with weaning off breastfeeding? And how did you do it?

I’ve tried plasters she takes them off herself now. I’ve done the garlic, vinegar, doesn’t bother her. I’ve tried the sucker buster balm, didn’t care for it. I even went as far as rubbing Birds Eye chillies, doesn’t seem to bother her either. My nipples actually feel like they are going to rip straight off my chest,...


Breastfeeding shields

Anyone used or planning to use silver nipple shields? Are they worth it, if so is it worth splashing out on lansinoh ones?


Not to argue, genuinely curious what most women think…

Breast is best- Unless mother/baby has health issues that make it an impossible option Fed is best- Even if breastfeeding is possible/ mother just doesn’t want to


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