Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Incision care after 6 weeks

Went for my 6 week check up and was told I’m healing just fine. Can I put anything on my incision to help with the healing process and so it doesn’t keloid over?


MIL Drama

Hi yall. So I’m 16 weeks pregnant with my second. We found out it’s a boy recently and we’re very excited because our first was a girl. We shared the news with my family and a few close friends of ours. Now here’s the issue. My husband’s mom is a PROBLEM. When my daughter was born she’d constantly make comments abou...


Narcissistic MIL

Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice for me? My MIL is narcissistic.. and my husband has no spine when it comes to having boundaries with her. I have been married for almost 5 years now and she has never a day respected me or spoken to me in a respectful way. My husband is stuck trying to kee...


Strong painkillers

I’ve been prescribed Dihydrocodeine for severe back pain, I’m 28 weeks and the midwife said it’s possible for my baby to have withdrawals after birth, has anyone had experience of this?😬


How to know when you're done

Is anybody 100% sure they're done with kids? Like did you have a feeling? I am nearly 4 weeks pp from my son, I was in and out of hospital every week with him and it wasn't the best pregnancy, I have a daughter too who is 3 years old, I really thought one of each would be enough for me to say I'm done but I don't t...


Baby’s hair

My 1 month old baby is losing her hair. Is this normal and why is it happening? Do I need to look into this further?


Baby blues

I'm on day 5 so I am feeling pretty emotional due to milk coming in 😢. Starting to think too much about life and death and just generally feeling down. Anyone have any advice? Been trying to do normal things like we took our older son to a soft play earlier and went for a dog walk just now and it helps but then…


Anyone 38 weeks?

What’s your symptoms so far? Mine is lightening crotch, pressure down there, Braxton hicks, fatigue, back pain, rib pain/soreness.. No loss of mucus plug yet Haven’t been able to harvest colostrum yet


Stressed not depressed ... Should I still be thinking about speaking to someone?

I'm not a person who gets down as such but I'm struggling with anger / frustration at the moment. I'm not sure if it's with the return to work looming / hormones/ pressure of ebf still... But either way I'm thinking maybe I should speak to someone. It's certainly not good for those around me and not for my health ei...


Newly pregnant

Hi mommas, so I’m lowkey freaking out not even 6 months postpartum and I’m pregnant again. My first is 5 months and I’m just barley getting by, I’m absolutely terrified, and on top of all that I was insecure about my body and now idk I just I’m feeling so lost…and I try talking to my husband about this but I feel li...


Anxiety about in-laws looking after my baby

I’ve never had a great relationship with my SIL as she has been horrible to me since being married for no apparent reason (seemed she didn’t like the idea of her brother being occupied?) and she goes out of her way to annoy me and do things which bother me, in a very immature manner. She’s now asked my husband if sh...


Postpartum depression

In the trenches of major depression 8 months postpartum. Just want to sleep, not eat, or talk to anyone, moments of rage. Those that went through a similar experience, what helped? If you took meds, did it actually help? Please give advice. Made a psychiatrist appointment.


6 month old miserable

Please tell me I’m not alone… we’ve maybe had 3 weeks of my little girl’s life where she’s been remotely ‘content’. She’s 6 months on Monday and she doesn’t stop whinging, crying or screaming. I’m exhausted and don’t know how to cope anymore. It’s making me so unbelievably depressed I don’t know how to keep going. I...


Feeling so happy, anxious

Does anyone else feel anxious and overwhelmed. I am so filled with love I just don’t feel right, had a traumatic birth which ended in c section and I just can’t stop crying and feeling so unbelievably anxious


Postpartum Hair Loss

Any tips for reducing postpartum hair loss??!



I’m sick and I’m exhausted. I’m pregnant in my third trimester and I have to chase around my toddler, while cleaning and cooking for everyone. My body feels like it’s on its last leg, I get up and get my step daughter ready for school and I feel like I never catch a break. I’m mentally feeling so drained. I feel so ...



If this postpartum hair loss doesn’t let up, I am going to be effectively & efficiently bald.


Boundaries and sticking to them

Little girl is 3.5. I’d say very challenging. Has developing understanding and handful of words. She is full on all day. Climbs, in and out of fridge and food cupboards, not following simple requests. Pulling clothes off. Just hard work. Anyway, I say no/distract/redirect but she just responds with tears, screams th...


Baby and smoking

Am I wrong? My in laws both smoke. I am fully aware of how dangerous second and third hand smoke is to a child. Our little boy is 13 months. When he was born we made it very clear if they had been smoking they had to remove their jacket before giving him a hug. MIL doesn't like the idea and even sometimes had to be...


After the two month appointment.

Has anyone else had issues with their little one after the two month appointment with swelling in the legs after the shots? Or baby sleeping long hours and not wanting to feed.


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