Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Anyone else experiencing severe hair loss still at 5 months? It started coming out at 3 months which I was expecting but it’s still falling out in lumps and always all over my clothes. Just had a bath and so much more has come out! I have thin shoulder length hair so don’t have much to lose it feels like and I’m sta...
Has anyone else been so frustrated that you've ended up saying things you don't even mean and been a bit rough with your child, not hitting them but pushing them away when they've been in your fave crying or screaming, or have shouted or screamed.. I never thought I would react the way I do sometimes, I love my chil...
Wondering how long I’ll need to wait 😭💕
My baby just turned one and I really want another baby. My husband is one and done. He wears a condom and is strict about it. I’m always hoping for an oopsie but not even sure how that will happen
I don’t know if anyone else feels this but I realized that I have become more angry and irritable since having my baby. I’m sure it has something to do with post partum and the hormones but im having a hard time navigating it since I have always been a very calm and peaceful person , nothing ever made me anger now s...
How do I explain to my partner that his support is the most important thing during postpartum. I attempted to explain to him what my mind has been like recently and all he could say was “postpartum depression isn’t real” and “that shits all in your head” and “you need to woman up” he genuinely does not understand wh...
TLDR: 9 year old stepdaughter has major behavioral problems and is ruining relationship with husband and husband seems to either be burnt out from her behavior or doesn’t care and it’s negatively affecting our marriage. My 9 year old SD has always been an extremely disrespectful and difficult child to be around. I...
Hi everyone, I’m new here. Im 26 weeks pregnant, diagnosed with bipolar depression. I had PPD with my daughter in 2020 and so to avoid it again and possible PPP my OBGYN referred me to a psychiatrist who has started me on Lamotrigine. I’m super nervous as I’ve never taken anything but I’m exhausted and I know I need...
I just had my second baby 2 months ago and my husband and I had started discussing that she was probably our last. Recently I’ve been having this feeling of being sad about not having more and unsure if I want to stop at 2. How did you know when you were done having kids and your family was complete.
How is everyone doing with the hairloss? Mine is getting so thin and I just dont know what to do about it 😭 Is there any remedies or do I just have to accept my fate?
Any tips on what to do to avoid hair loss after birth. Shampoos. Treatments, Supplements etc and also what has been your hair loss experience?
Since the new years I’ve really just felt down like I don’t feel happy about anything, I had quite a traumatic pregnancy from start to finish and from that I’ve just struggled since but I have just learnt to get on with it but the more as time went on the more stuff happened like my family are horrible to me and my ...
My twins are under a year old and have not been sleeping at all during the day until 9pm(bedtime) , I’m a SAHM today finally one fell asleep and of course the other one started SCREAMING bloody murder . They had just ate I made sure they had a clean diaper before trying to put them down for a nap , they just wouldn’...
Anyone else suffers from back pain in second trimester? What do you do for this?
This is my 4th baby and I am MISERABLE. I honestly don't know how I'm going to make it to term. I've discussed all this with my doctor... but my heart isn't doing well (it's racing constantly) & I have this unbelievable itch under the skin. Not to mention normal pregnancy pains & concerns. Also baby is in the mid 90...
I’m 4 weeks postpartum and I have a breastfed co sleeping baby. As soon as I’m cleared and healed, I can’t wait to get back with his daddy. However, how?! My baby refuses to sleep in a bassinet and I will not be having sex with my baby in the room. What did yall do?? I miss my man. 🥲
My baby is 6months and I am still struggling with lots of hair loss. Should it not be done by now? I'm still breastfeeding, is it the cause?
Posting to see if anyone has been in this situation or been through similar… I go to a baby class on a Friday morning and there are 9 of us at the class. 5 of us attended last months class so we already know each other. Since this month’s classes have started, I absolutely hate going. I feel like I sit there and no...
I don’t know if I should say this, probably shouldn’t. But I think I regret everything . I love my daughter but I’m so sick all the time, I’m more depressed than I was before, I had severe ptsd from sexual abuse from my family my teenage years. My anxiety is worse than ever. I have no friends, no family at all. my p...
Why do I always feel as though I’m a bad mum and as though my 2 year old doesn’t like me. Does anyone else get these overwhelming feelings? I see other parents who have everything under control and great relationships and then I just feel like I’m so different.